Friday, October 21, 2016

Garrett - Bachelors of the Ridge #2 - by ‎Karla Sorensen‎


The one thing Garrett Calder and Aurora Anderson have in common is that they absolutely hate each other.

Garrett has the job that Aurora has worked for and wanted for years and it was handed to him on a silver platter, just like everything else in his life. The fact that he manages everything with the most annoyingly handsome smile on his equally annoying, handsome face is just icing on the freaking cake.

Aurora is not only the most beautiful, but the smartest, most infuriating woman Garrett has ever had the misfortune of meeting. Her sharp tongue and inability to be charmed by him makes her somehow more maddening, and she’s never let him get away with a single thing, not for the eight years they’ve worked together.

Garrett and Aurora are pushed into a situation neither of them want to be in— forced to work together for twelve months or risk losing everything. Twelve months where they can’t kill each other. Twelve long months, and only one of them will be left standing at the end. And in the process of surviving it—and each other—they’ll discover that there’s a very fine line between love and hate.


Addicted  2 Romance Review:

- ARC Received by the Author for an honest review -

I am a new fan of the author and I read her previous series and the first book in this series, Dylan. This is book 2 and features Dylan's BFF, Garrett. In Dylan we meet and get to know Garret very surfacely. In  this book we really see who he is and his struggles.

I loved this story. If you love enemy turned lovers storylines than this is one of the best I have ever read. Garrett, is prince Caden as our heroine Aurora/Rory calls him. His dad owns a big finance company and  he has no problem with giving Garrett a position of authority. Rory loves Garrett's dad too and he is her mentor. The two met 8 years before and are very happy hating each other until...

Garrett's dad decides they have to work together....and before they can get too much into the project someo]thing major happens to Garrett's dad and the two end up running the company together. I loved how making them work together made them change and grow. These two were pure magic and this book is fantastic.

I really loved this whole book and cannot wait for book 3. In this story we learn more about Cole and his ex wife Julia and I loved how that really played into the story here and created some tension for both Rory and Garrett.


Damn him, ooooooh, damn him and that highly amused grin that he gave me in answer. That’s what made it so much worse. Garrett Calder was handsome. He was tall and muscled with broad shoulders that looked (I could only admit this in my head, because I’d likely choke on the words if they came out of my mouth) incredible in a suit. Oh, I’d have liked it so much better if he was a hunchback with two teeth and pockmarks covering the left side of his body.

You know, have the outside match the inside.

“But my old man does?”

With brisk movements, I straightened my blue cotton blouse and sniffed. “Yes.”

Garrett leaned up against the door behind him, clearly not planning on going anywhere. Ass.

“How come?”

“You realize that I don’t have to answer you, right? It’s my prerogative who gets to call me a nickname and who doesn’t.”

When he snorted, I risked a look at him under my lashes. Still smiling that stupid smile. It was one of the non-professional things that I envied about him. The ease with which he smiled and joked, making the people around him happy in turn. The people who I reported to and the people who worked under me all respected me and liked me. But we weren’t exactly friends. We didn’t swap jokes or secrets.

But I’d take respect any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. So I straightened and faced him, giving him the full weight of my annoyed expression. “What?”

“Nothing.” He shook his head, completely amused by my snippy response.

“You are so aggravating.”

“And you are so defensive, Rory.”

I narrowed my eyes and he smothered a laugh. “I’m not defensive. I’m simply explaining to you that it’s my right to recognize that certain people are deserving of informalities over others.”

He clutched a hand to his heart. “So many big words. Stop.”

When I lifted an eyebrow, he gave me a mildly apologetic look. “Okay, fine. I’ll stick to Aurora.”

“Thank you,” I conceded. “Can I leave now? This kind of proximity to you gives me hives.”

About the Author:

Well, let’s see ... I’m a wife and a mother. I’m a writer who wants to make people smile when they read my words. I own a dog that sheds roughly eighteen pounds of hair every day. I am obsessed with Outlander (both the books and the show). I’m almost exclusively a romance reader, which means some people will never consider me a literary snob. If I could meet one historical figure, it would be Jane Austen. I received my Bachelors in Public Relations and worked in health care marketing before I had my babies. I hate Twitter. I do it, but I hate it. Also, if you want to get on my good side, bring me wine and I'll love you forever. 

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