Monday, July 9, 2018

Jaded: Zane & Honor - Cliffside Bay #3 - by Tess Thompson

Pack your bags for another trip to Cliffside Bay!

Jaded: Zane & Honor by Tess Thompson is NOW LIVE!!!



Zane Shaw isn't the type to cower in a corner, until he meets Honor Sullivan. She's the most phenomenal woman he's ever met, but he's been burned before and so he's doomed to fall for her from a distance.

 If only his past hadn't left him so weary, perhaps he could be the man he was raised to be. Honor Sullivan has too much at stake to get distracted by a man. But Zane Shaw isn't just any man. He's smart, gorgeous, and a survivor like her. Which is why she knows, deep down, that he deserves someone better than her.

Someone whole and undamaged. Yet she can't seem to contain the way he makes her feel. These two jaded souls with an instant connection just might find that true love is a joy best savored in the aftermath of life's hardships and pain.



Like most of her characters, Tess Thompson hails from a small town and will always feel like a small town girl, despite the fact she’s lived in Seattle for over twenty-five years. She loves music and dancing, books and bubble baths, cooking and wine, movies and snuggling. She cries at sappy commercials and thinks kissing in the rain should be done whenever possible.

Although she tries to act like a lady, there may or may not have been a few times in the last several years when she’s gotten slightly carried away watching the Seattle Seahawks play, but that could also just be a nasty rumor.

She currently lives in a suburb of Seattle, Washington with her brand new husband, the hero of her own love story, and their Brady Bunch clan of two sons, two daughters and five cats, all of whom keep her too busy, often confused, but always amazed. Yes, that’s four kids and five cats. Pray for her.

Follow Tess Everywhere!
This is book 3 in the series and gosh it just blows me away. SO much happens in this story. Some  good and some bad but we finally get to see Zane and Honor get things right.

Not this is a series you have to read in order, each story continues the series on. If you read this as  a standalone you will be beyond lost because each story has so many twists and turns and this story has many twists thrown into it as well.

This story is about Zane who is the bar owner with a dad who has Alzeimers and who is in love with Honor who works for his buddy Brody.

Honor arrived in town at 18 and worked for Zane's dad until she got her college degree. She arrived a familyless girl and Zane's dad took her in and helped her get an education and a job with Brody. Honor loves Zane but she is afraid and he is afraid and so this is the story of them confronting all their fears and finding the love that lives in their hearts.

Honor lived 18 years in foster care and her life was horrorific so be ready for that. My heart absolutely broke for her. But her reward for all that pain is this wonderful life she has built for herself. She is an amazing character and you can tell the author totally loves her.

Zane when he finally decides to be with Honor well he is all in. At times I almost gave up on him, he just a jerk a time or two but when he gets his act together, he is ready to love honor entirely and like WOW. This author writes these amazing stories and throws so many twists and turns in there that you will fall in love with this story and the characters.

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