Definition: the female equivalent of a cock block.Example: You’re chatting with a guy you’re interested in and your friend comes along and lays claim to him.
That’s my life—except it’s worse. My friend who keeps “jamming” me is my gay roommate and if that isn’t a W.T.F. moment, I’m not sure what is.
Fact: He went home with three—yes, three—of the guys I had been so sure were into me.
Fact: He’s really pissing me off. I mean, hello? I’m trying to get back in the saddle, but I’ll never manage to get a boyfriend before the age of fifty if he keeps this up.
Fact: Secretly, I wonder what it would be like if he weren’t gay. Why do all the hot, sweet, tender-hearted guys have to be gay?
Fact: My gay-dar needs a serious tune-up.

The day I interviewed for the room to rent, everything changed. I knew I had met “the girl”, except there was one small problem: she didn’t want anything to do with men. I recognized a top-notch force field when I saw one. She’d been burned badly and didn’t want to deal with a heterosexual guy as a roommate. I could’ve turned around and found another place to live, but I wanted to live there—with her.

So I had to go “undercover”.
Fact: I’m in love with my roommate.
Fact: I’m a likely candidate for carpal tunnel surgery since all the action I’ve had for the past year has been my hand.
Fact: She’s going to hate me if I come clean now.
Fact: I’m not giving up. Which means, I’ll just have to continue to run defense until I figure out a way to get Maggie to see the “real” me.
The me that loves her.
The me that would never do her wrong.
Until then, I’ll keep running off every guy who shows any interest.
Until then, I’ll continue to Clam Jam.
- Link to Follow Tour: http://tastybooktours.com/tours-master/2016/11/15/clam-jam-by-rc-boldt
- Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30135495-clam-jam
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Addicted2Romance Review:
**I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.**

Wow just wow. This book is a definite ride on the crazy train of love. It is funny, it is irreverant, it is romantic and it is a little bit sad.
This book is my first from this author and it definitely won't be my last. I HOPE the author will write a story for Jack and Sara, they were minor characters I totally loved.
The whole premise of this story is two roomies, one who cock blocks his female roomie while she thinks he is gay but really he is getting ride of the jerks because he wants her for himself.
While that sounds like a great premise, its also a destiny for her to feel betrayed if you actually want a relationship which is what happens here. And I love that the author showed how something that can be fun and amusing was also a recipe for devestation.

Maggie was a terrific character, she is hot and sexy but she has just lost her fiancee. So when mr. hot body aka Ry wants to be her roomie, he says he is gay. You see Ry is a Peeping Tom and fell hard for Mags months before. But she had a fiancee so he wants to get to know her in a non threatening way.
I loved them together and Ry and Mags love being together too. But the longer the charade goes on the longer Ry is afraid to tell her the truth. And when it comes out...well you will have to read to see what happens.

Wow just wow. This book is a definite ride on the crazy train of love. It is funny, it is irreverant, it is romantic and it is a little bit sad.
This book is my first from this author and it definitely won't be my last. I HOPE the author will write a story for Jack and Sara, they were minor characters I totally loved.
The whole premise of this story is two roomies, one who cock blocks his female roomie while she thinks he is gay but really he is getting ride of the jerks because he wants her for himself.
While that sounds like a great premise, its also a destiny for her to feel betrayed if you actually want a relationship which is what happens here. And I love that the author showed how something that can be fun and amusing was also a recipe for devestation.

Maggie was a terrific character, she is hot and sexy but she has just lost her fiancee. So when mr. hot body aka Ry wants to be her roomie, he says he is gay. You see Ry is a Peeping Tom and fell hard for Mags months before. But she had a fiancee so he wants to get to know her in a non threatening way.
I loved them together and Ry and Mags love being together too. But the longer the charade goes on the longer Ry is afraid to tell her the truth. And when it comes out...well you will have to read to see what happens.

Ry’s lips against mine. That’s all I can think
of as I return to my room, closing the door quietly behind me.
My brain goes off on a tangent,
imagining Ry’s soft lips brushing against mine, teasing me, before his tongue sweeps inside to taste me. Leaning my back
against the door, I raise my fingertips to graze my lips.
Is it possible to have kisser’s
remorse? You know, like buyer’s remorse except,
in this case, you’ve kissed someone and are really regretting the fact that
it’s over? If so, I’m pretty sure I have a serious case of it.
It might be terminal.
Walking over to my dresser, I slide
open my top drawer—the one I keep all of my underwear and bras in—and slip my
hand to the back. When my fingers wrap around what I’m looking for, I get that tense
feeling. Like the time Sister Margaret caught me throwing away my salami
sandwich in the second grade. Dang woman had eyes in the back of her head, I
tell you.
Shoving that nagging feeling to the
back of my mind, I reach for the two batteries, quickly inserting them before
snapping the lid shut and laying my vibrator on my bed while I undress. Once
I’m naked, I slide beneath my covers and turn it on, praying the covers muffle
the noise enough that Ry doesn’t hear—doesn’t realize what I’m doing.
Doesn’t realize I’m thinking of him
while I touch myself. Oooh, yes, that’s right. Naughty Maggie has come out to
play. My mind begins to run rampant with scenarios. One, in particular, takes hold …
Suddenly, my bedroom door opens, and
Ry’s silhouette is in my doorway.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“I … um,” I stutter, knowing I’ve been
caught red-handed.
He steps farther inside my bedroom, and I notice that he’s wearing only a
pair of boxer-briefs, the outline of his cock pressing against the fabric, and
he’s hard. So hard.
“Are you touching yourself, Mags?” His
voice is raspy, like he’s just as turned
on as I am. And the fact that I turn him on is just all sorts of hot.
“Yes,” I breathe.
He moves closer, standing beside my
bed. “Show me.”
About the Author:
RC Boldt is the wife of Mr.
Boldt, a retired Navy Chief, mother of Little Miss Boldt, and former teacher of
many students. She currently lives on the southeastern coast of North Carolina,
enjoys long walks on the beach, running, reading, people watching, and singing
karaoke. If you're in the mood for some killer homemade mojitos, can't recall
the lyrics to a particular 80's song, or just need to hang around a
nonconformist who will do almost anything for a laugh, she's your girl.

thank you for hosting today! ~gaele for Tasty Book Tours