Monday, February 27, 2017

Crave Me - O'Brien Family #3 - By: Cecy Robson

RT Book Reviews proclaims that the O’Brien Family series from award-winning author Cecy Robson “has the hottest brothers ever!” And in Crave Me, it’s time for the sole sister in the family to discover love.

Wren O’Brien isn’t your typical female. As the only girl from a loud Irish family with seven siblings, she prefers fast cars to lip gloss and bad boys to good men. It’s the reason she’s nursing a wounded soul and keeping her distance from a dangerous ex.

Evan Jonah is running an empire and just moved from the lavish thoroughfares of London to the gritty streets of Philadelphia. When he walks into the nearest dealership, he’s expecting to find a reliable vehicle to handle the brutal winters, not a sexy female car rep with killer legs.

Wren doesn’t know why “Hotness in a Suit” asked her out. She doesn’t expect a great time or a night of passion that knocks her on her ass. But that’s exactly what Evan shows her.

She also never counted on how hard and fast she’d fall. But men like Evan—good men with even better hearts—don’t desire tough-talking Philly girls for long.

Evan has never met a woman like Wren. But he’s up for the challenge and ready to prove her wrong.


Crave Me Prize Pack including a Coach Purse stuffed with a Tote, 
Coasters and a Print Copy of LET ME


Addicted 2 Romance Review:

*I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.*

I have a confession I have never read this author ever before. She tends to write suspens
eful romances with some very dark elements and I am more of a fun romance reader and I tend to stay away from suspense. But this book sounded so good that I could not resist and let me tell you this book was a total HIT!!

Yes there is a lot of suspense, related to Bryant, the heroine, Wren's ex boyfriend and let me tell you it gets absolutely CRAZY. And that part of the story kept me on the edge of my seat. But for most of the story it is pure fun.

I LOVED Wren. She is beautiful and peppy and smart and pretty much can do anything she puts her mind to. She meets the hero of this story, Evan when he comes to buy a car. She is this car salesperson and she is amazing at her job. She sells Evan on more than a car, he falls pretty hard for her.

And well based on her first date, Wren falls hard for him too. Then things happen and Wren ends up jobless just as Evan fires is assitant and so Wren ends up working for Evan. And OMG I loved their boss/employee relationship. Yes you read it right, this is a boss/PA romance book too.

Once Wren gets employed by Evan, I freaking loved this story so much. I loved her great ideas and how she treats Evan and how romantic they are with each other. This really was an absolutely wonderful story and mixed into all this story is Wren's brothers and their girl friends who are a total hoot as well.

I beyond loved this story and I plan to read the other books about the brothers.

I open the door to the dark blue Explorer for Wren. She pauses before slipping inside. “Look at this,” she says. “Chivalry isn’t dead after all.”
I chuckle because I have nothing better to say. Even if witty comebacks were my forte, this woman would still have me at a loss for words. It didn’t take her long take to check my credentials or for her to acquire an impressive vehicle for me to test drive, her command and efficiency, making the process smooth. 
I slide inside, taking a quick look at the interior before adjusting the seat to accommodate my long legs. 
“Why an Explorer?” I ask, concentrating on the features so I don’t openly gape at Wren.  
 She tilts her head. “You’re a suit, a businessman, right?”
“That’s right,” I agree.
“So you don’t need a truck to haul wood or tools or any equipment.” She laughs a little. “You also need something you’re actually going to be comfortable in, big guy. And seeing how you’re taking the Blue Route to work, you also want to stay safe. The maniacs on the highway will bowl over a smaller ride. But in this, even the crazies will think twice before messing with you.”

About the Author:

Cecy Robson is an award-winning author of magical realms and to-die-for Alpha heroes. A double RITA® 2016 finalist for Once Pure and Once Kissed, and published author of more than sixteen titles, you can typically find her on her laptop or stumbling blindly in search of caffeine.



  1. Thank you for giving Crave Me a chance. I'm so happy you enjoyed the story!

  2. I loved Evan too Sharon, and Wren is just so honest and confident. I love her outspokenness. :) This series is one of my favs, I hope you read them all

  3. Thank you so much for sharing the CRAVE ME love!


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