Sunday, December 3, 2017

As Long As You Hate Me by Carrie Aarons

About the Book


High school sweethearts. What a load of bull.

He might have been my first love, but it never meant I wanted to hear lyrics containing my name, love story, and *cringe* how I lost my virginity peddled out for the masses to digest.

Seven years later, and I’m still being haunted by his photo in every magazine, his music on every radio station. I thought breakups meant that you never had to see the person again. Especially when they ripped out your heart and made hamburger meat with it.

But when a chance encounter ends up going viral, I’m tied to him in a way I’ve always dreaded. And the last person on earth I’d want to spend an hour with, much less a lifetime, makes me an offer I can’t refuse. I might just be desperate enough to take it.


The girl in the song is real. And she’s made me a rich man.

I’ve been dedicating choruses to her for a decade, she’s the muse she never wanted to be. Off of our love, I’ve become famous … and a complete egomaniac.

When another one of my flings goes off the rails, and lands me in hot water with the media, my recording label is less than thrilled. And so comes the marching orders from my agent; devise a scheme to transform into a squeaky clean good guy.

Coming face to face with her is something I’ve only dreamed about. If not to win her back, then to at least apologize for the ways I’ve exploited her. Instead, I rope her into my madness, proposing a deal only a masochist would accept.

Purchase Links

99c for release day ONLY


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Addicted 2 Romance Reviews

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This is my first book by this author but it won't be the last I really enjoyed the story, her characters and the writing. It is a 2nd chance at love, rocker, high school love and it was alot of fun to read.

Kara and Dean fell in love at age 15 in a small town in NJ. Dean's home life was horrible and all he wanted to do was get out of town. Meanwhile Kara had great family and friends and never wanted to leave. They graduate high school and go their separate ways but things are tough for the two and Kara sees some photos of Dean and believes he cheated on her and says don't ever call me again.

Dean listens and instead writes songs about her that torture her for years on end. No one though knows who she is and so years later they see other again at a wedding and are photographed together. Thats when Dean's master plan comes together and I felt bad for how he manipulates Kara.

Dean has been accused of a sex crime and he would never do anything like that. He is hoping to distract the press exposing the girl who was his muse, and get engaged to her so they stop focusing on his accusers false charges and focus on their love instead.

He offers Kara LOTS of money and a new exciting job in LA if she will come move in with him for the next year and help him out. But Kara truly hates that sorta made this book alot of fun.

I loved this story. Its a great Hate/Love romance. The two together are very STEAMY. There were a scene here or there I did not care for. Like when Dean mentions he has had 3 somes with his friend, or when he invites his friend over for some fun and Kara catches him or when he mentions an orgy he enjoyed with a bad character from Hollywood. But they were very small scenes and actually were not important parts of the story.

Mostly Dean loves Kara and Kara loves Dean but they have a lot of anger and resentment to get thru and this was their road to happily ever after. It was fun, angysty, and a very well written story.

About the Author

Author of romance novels such as Red Card and All the Frogs in Manhattan, Carrie Aarons writes sexy, swoon-worthy, sarcastic characters who won't get out of her head until she puts them down on a page.

Carrie has wanted to be an author since the first time she opened a book, and can't imagine a better or more maddening profession.

A lover of good manicures, Riesling and the beach, she enjoys chasing her puppy through the dog parks of New Jersey, or trying to make her husband binge watch the latest Netflix craze.

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