Tuesday, May 28, 2019


CAPTIVATE by bestselling author CA Harms is LIVE! 

One-Click Today:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Hs8GMv
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/Captivate

ADD TO GOODREADS: http://bit.ly/CaptivateTBR

I was back in Brooklet Georgia and things were far from how they were when I left years ago.

Maddison used to be one of the guys, but that was definitely not the case anymore... 

She had changed and damn if it didn’t make my heart race. With each passing second she began to consume me. Her smile made my knees weak and the way she looked at me took my breath away. 

She captivated me, but she was forbidden. She was the one girl I had no right to crave.

Things became messy, and fast, but to hell with the consequences...she was worth it.

One-Click Today:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Hs8GMv
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/Captivate

 ADD TO GOODREADS: http://bit.ly/CaptivateTBR

C.A. Harms is an avid romance and mystery reader. She's always had a love for books, getting lost in writing and storytelling even as a young girl. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories. 

She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. She holds an addiction for Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha’s and KitKat when she should really be focusing on water and maybe a fruit or two to make herself feel less guilty, but that feeling quickly passes...thankfully. 

She is easy going, fun, and although she may seem like one of the quiet ones at first, you just wait until she gets to know you better...that quietness changes, fast.
Before I begin I want to say that this story was so awesome At times I wanted to throw my kindle as I got a little frustrated with the female lead, Maddison as she tries hard to fight her feelings about her adopted cousin Mike. At a point she even dates another guy but luckily that ends fairly fast and we don't see that much of that part of the story.

Mike is the male lead and he was absolutely awesome. At the start of the story he is in the military but he gets out and comes home and that is when he starts to have deep feelings for his  adopted cousin, Maddison and where the story really starts.

Mike falls very hard and very fast and he chases Maddison but Maddison fights hard because of the cousin relationship. I understood where she came from but at times it also frustrated me. When the two finally get together and I loved how Mike fought for Maddison even as she tried to throw her best friend Raven at him, that's when I fell in love with this story.

It is not all roses for these two, as something very life changing happens before the book ends and that really made it the awesome book it was and wonderful story. Be forewarned you might shed a few tears along the way.

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