Monday, May 6, 2019

The Best of Me - Hope Valley #3 - by Jessica Prince


It wasn’t hard for Nona Fanning to fall for Trick. He was strong, kind-hearted, loyal, and unbelievably handsome. He was the man of her dreams, and all it took was one night to give her a taste of the beauty he had to offer. But while she’d been opening her heart to him, he’d kept his under lock and key.
After Patrick “Trick” Wanderly’s wife left him, ripping away their picture-perfect life, he convinced himself that she’d taken the best pieces of him with her. He wasn’t ready to move on and give his heart to someone else. Then his whole world flipped upside down after spending one night with Nona.
It took awhile for him to see what he had standing right in front of him, but now Trick’s eyes are open, and he’s determined to fix what he broke. But when danger threatens to tear Nona’s world apart, it’s up to Trick to help hold those pieces together while fighting to protect the woman and the new life he’s come to cherish.

Something came over me at that very moment, an intense feeling I’d only experienced one time before in my life, when Nona and I were on the dance floor at Hayes and Temperance’s wedding. Her smile, all that insanely gorgeous hair, those curves. All of that was enough to bring the strongest of men to their knees. But when she smiled, it was like feeling the sun on your skin. When she spoke in that melodic voice, speaking her brand of wisdom, it was all too much; the pull was impossible to fight. Moving on pure instinct, I closed the last few inches and pulled her against me, slamming my mouth down on hers.
Her lips parted on a surprised gasp and I took full advantage, driving my tongue inside Nona’s sweet mouth. She tasted like wine and chocolate, sweet and rich. It was heaven, and that initial taste sucked me in and refused to let me go. I was drowning, completely consumed in Nona, and I couldn’t get enough.
Her nails scored my chest, fisting the material of my shirt as a tiny whimper bubbled up her throat, and that was enough to push me over the edge.
The memories of our night together were still as fresh in my mind as if they’d happened an hour ago, and I wanted all of that. Again, and again, and again. I wanted her over and over until I eased at least some of the ache that came from desiring everything there was about Nona. But deep down to my bones, I knew it was useless. This kind of craving was never-ending. I craved her body and mind. I wanted every piece of her I could get my hands on.

Visit Hope Valley
a series of interconnected, standalone romances

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Born and raised around Houston Texas, Jessica spent most of her life complaining about the heat, humidity, and all around pain in the ass weather. It was only as an adult that she quickly realized the cost of living in Houston made up for not being able to breathe when she stepped outside. That’s why God created central air, after all.
Jessica is the mother of a perfect little boy–she refuses to accept that he inherited her attitude and sarcastic nature no matter what her husband says.
In addition to being a wife and mom, she’s also a wino, a coffee addict, and an avid lover of all types of books–romances still being her all time favs. Her husband likes to claim that reading is her obsession but she just says it’s a passion…there’s a difference. Not that she’d expect a boy to understand.
Jessica has been writing since she was a little girl, but thankfully grew out of drawing her own pictures for her stories before ever publishing her first book. Because an artist she is not.
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So this is an awesome book I know I love everything Jessica Prince writes and yes I know I have loved every book in this series. But this one was really different than I have read before from the author and well I fell hard for absolutely every character in this story.

This is the story of Nona who was best friends with the heroine in the first book. She is seen in all of the books but the first book we really get to know her. Nona is a single mom and two awesome teens. She also runs a beauty parlor and has an ass of an ex.

Trick is also a character that has been seen before and he is married to an ex from hell, Emma who had the man of her dreams and threw him away because he was a cop and didn't make a lot of money.  He also has two teens and in fact the son is best friends with Nona's son.

Well guess who has a one night stand and Trick does not do well with it and I loved how Nona ghosts him after until and that's when this book gets very fun. Sorry I am not spoiling it.

This book was wonderful and the kids really made it that great. Both sets of teens are pretty awesome and I would love to read about them in another series.

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