Friday, August 30, 2019

Loving Luca by Mila Crawford

This is a short romance but its also a full story. Its about two besties who are both in college and who are in love with the other. They have never dated or even kissed until this story but Luca is trying to get Stephanie to see how great they would be together.
He is a rock star going places and she is sorta a wall flower so its very opposite but they also have a deep friendship since they were 8 years old. It is a fun romance and is perfect length and was very enjoyable.

Luca Masterson is the man every guy wants to be and every girl wants to be with, but he doesn’t want anyone other than Stephanie, the girl who stole his heart from the moment they were eight years old.

Stephanie is the bookworm who is best friends with a bona fide rockstar. Then one day that guy turns her world upside down by telling her he loves her.

Love isn’t easy, but having a relationship with a celebrity includes a whole new set of challenges. Yet nothing in the world is better than loving Luca.

Warning: If first and only love is your jam, then step right up. This is a friends-to-lovers story that won’t steer you wrong. Guaranteed HEA.


The room was quiet, barren except for the wooden shelves and the smell of paper and leather that bound the pages. I really loved the library, not only because I loved the books that it housed, but also for the solitude it provided me. I looked under the table and noticed next to my pink Chucks with scuffed toes a pair of shiny, black, Italian leather boots, immaculate in every way. Even our footwear showed how opposite we were. I never knew why he bothered to accompany me to the library. He didn’t really read. He would just work on song lyrics or melodies that would play on repeat in his mind and wait patiently until I was ready to leave. I spent hours in the library just looking at him, desperately trying to make sure he didn’t notice my lingering and overindulgent stares. He’d always been a gorgeous boy, dark wisps of hair falling into his green eyes, eyes made even brighter against the contrast of his olive complexion. I loved how the right side of his mouth would twitch right before he’d laugh hysterically. But the quirk I loved most was how he’d tap his long fingers on the table as he worked on his music, his eyes furrowed in concentration. He was so handsome, and I didn’t mean just a good-looking boy who girls crushed on. No. He had the kind of good looks that would make movie stars weep in envy. The worst part was, he didn’t even know how attractive he was—which just made him that more desirable.

I had no idea why he liked hanging out with me, but from the tender age of eight, Luca and I had been best friends, completely inseparable. One look at each other, and we were off laughing and playing from that day forward. When I turned thirteen, I started to develop feelings for him, feelings that made me touch myself and kiss my pillow, pretending it was him kissing me back passionately. All of it pathetic childhood crush stuff, really. Luca grew more and more beautiful every day, and yet he never left my side.

It was in college when he really began to shine. All of a sudden, our world of two disintegrated people began to notice what a standout Luca was. He was always in the spotlight, and I felt like the understudy, waiting in the shadow of the lead actor. It wasn’t just best friends Luca and Steph anymore, but Luca and the plain Jane who tagged along for the ride. I wasn’t sure whether it was out of loyalty or comfort that he still hung out with me. Everyone needed an occasional reality check. I guessed I was his.

He never hung out with the cool kids. He chose to come to the library and sit there quietly while I read or did homework. I didn’t know why he was still there beside me, but I was grateful for his company. I pictured myself as a worn-out old sweater that Luca insisted on keeping, even though he had the designer brands and luxurious cashmere overflowing his wardrobe. I was plain Steph, and he was a bona fide celebrity. But no matter how popular he got, he never left me behind.

“Party tonight at Alpha Sigma Pi. You in?” Luca’s melodic voice gently brought me back to the present.

“Nah, I think I’m going to stay home and read or something,” I said.

I really didn’t want to accompany him to another party where he felt like he had to babysit me. I wanted him to enjoy his newfound glory. No one wanted me there anyway. Generally when we went to parties, I felt how they looked at me, wondering why we were together. If it was because he took pity on me and I was nothing more than Luca’s charity case. It felt like I was holding him back; I should stay his past, not become a weight he felt obligated to carry with him everywhere.

“Steph, I’m not going if you’re not. You know I need my muse. You’re my good luck charm.” He looked at me with his emerald eyes and cocky grin. Luca was lighthearted, and his confidence was apparent in all that he said and did.

“You should go.”

“We should go. It’s Friday night. We’re freshman. Just live a little. Have some fun! Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do in college?”

Easy for him to say. He was the life of the party. Socializing for Luca was fun and easy. For me it was painful and a constant reminder that I didn’t measure up.

“You just had to go there, didn’t you?”

“Aw Steph, please. I really want you there tonight. I need you.”

Need. He said it so casually, but he didn’t know the beginning of it. Need was what I felt whenever I thought of him. It was my desire to always be in his life, no matter what, even if it meant in the most minute way.

He pulled me toward him and kissed the top of my head. A kiss I knew to him was meant to comfort a good friend, but once his lips touched my hair, I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body until my heart fluttered. He squeezed my shoulder and let go. Just like that, the warmth of his touch was gone and I felt nothing but cold.

“So how about I drive you home now and then pick you up at like…seven?” His persistence was both admirable and infuriating. And like always, I caved. There wasn’t much I could refuse him. Luca almost always got his way.

“Fine,” I said finally.

On the way to Luca’s car, a perky blonde sorority girl, Madeline Michaels, sauntered over. Whenever she got close, the girl was all over him. She pushed her chest out and tossed her long blonde hair. My ordinariness was exaggerated just by standing beside her. Her knee-high boots, her short skirts, and her ridiculously tight body. Next to her, I looked like I’d just crawled out of a dumpster. I was dirty-blonde hair tied up in a messy bun secured with a pencil, ripped jeans, and a faded Ramones T-shirt that had seen a few summers. Truth be told, I didn’t have the genes. Even if I were wearing Madeline’s clothing, I would still look like me.

Madeline inserted herself into our personal space, shoving me out with her curvaceous hip that was barely covered by a tiny skirt stretched to capacity. She was so close she might as well have been an esthetician examining his pores—an esthetician who did her job with her breasts rubbing up against him.

“Luca, are you going to the party? I was hoping we could talk,” she all but whispered as she ran her index finger up and down his arm.

I guessed I should have already gotten over the attention from other girls, but it still hurt, because deep down, I’d spent my whole life secretly in love with this boy.

I climbed into the car and looked the other way out the window, trying to pretend they were invisible and that my heart wasn’t breaking.

“Madeline, you know Steph, right?”

I turned at his voice, and my heart leapt in my chest when he looked at me. Luca was sidelining Maddy Michaels with an unnecessary introduction.

“Madeline, this is my girl Steph,” he said while keeping his eyes on me. “She’s been my plus one my whole damn life.”

I didn’t want to read into his words. He always called me his girl.His whole damn life sounded more like an obligation than something he was down with. But he held eye contact as he announced it, and he’d said it with pride. Maybe I was reading into things, but it was enough to make me feel like Luca genuinely appreciated having me around.

“Oh, I had no idea,” Madeline stammered. She glared at me through the windshield, her disgust palpable.

Good, ’cause I don’t like you either.

She plastered on a fake smile that was more forced than oil mixing with water. Her eyes narrowed, but the fake smile didn’t go anywhere. I smiled back, hoping that my eyes didn’t give away my satisfaction. I really didn’t want her to take notice of me and make my life miserable. I was sure she had a million and one ways to ruin me, but I pretended not to care. The semester was almost over, and I never had to see her again if that’s what suited me.

Without another word to Madeline, Luca got in the car and smiled at me.

“Should we hit the road?”

I couldn’t help but turn and stare at Madeline as we pulled out of the parking lot, how she stood in the same spot getting smaller and smaller as we made our getaway.

Maybe Madeline couldn't steal Luca away from me, but he was a rising star, and it was just a matter of time before he’d inevitably drift away.

Mila Crawford is a book lover and has been around them one way or another her whole life. She is a fan of happily ever afters, sassy heroines, over the top alphas, and most of all safe reads.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Handle With Care by Helena Hunting

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“Lincoln and Wren had me flipping through the pages frantically, begging for more. Their chemistry was explosive, their love story both hilarious and tender.”- L.J. Shen, USA Today bestselling author

Handle With Care, an all-new romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Helena Hunting is available now!

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Between his parents’ messed up marriage and his narcissistic younger brother, Lincoln Moorehead has spent the majority of his life avoiding his family. After the death of his father, Lincoln finds himself in the middle of the drama. To top it all off, he’s been named CEO of Moorehead Media, much to his brother’s chagrin. But Lincoln’s bad attitude softens when he meets the no-nonsense, gorgeous woman who has been given the task of transforming him from the gruff, wilderness guy to a suave businessman

Wren Sterling has been working double time to keep the indiscretions at Moorehead Media at bay, so when she’s presented with a new contract, with new responsibilities and additional incentives, she agrees. Working with the reclusive oldest son of a ridiculously entitled family is worth the hassle if it means she’s that much closer to pursuing her own dreams. What Wren doesn’t expect is to find herself attracted to him, or for it to be mutual. And she certainly doesn’t expect to fall for Lincoln. But when a shocking new Moorehead scandal comes to light, she’s forced to choose between her own family and the broody, cynical CEO.
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“You have a suit fitting tomorrow morning.” “Tomorrow morning? I have lots of suits; I’ll make one of those work.” “Are they like the ones you wore to the funeral?” I ask. “Yeah, why?” “Well, they may have fit you five years ago, but they certainly don’t fit you now. I’ll text you the details and add them to your personal calendar.” “You can’t do that without my cell number.” His smugness would be grating if I wasn’t two steps ahead of him. I flash a fake smile. “I already have all of your personal details, Lincoln. Right down to your shoe size. And you can’t be late like you were this morning, so it might be a good idea to avoid the scotch tonight so you’re less bear and more human. You’ll need to use these things called manners. I can email you a refresher on what those are, should you need it.” “Sarcasm is a weapon of the weak.” My ears are on fire as he heads for the door. Jerk. I was being witty, not sarcastic. “Thanks so much for offering to help clean up the mess you made.” I turn to address the crinkled papers scattered on the floor. It’s common courtesy to offer assistance if you’re the one who made the damn mess. Even Armstrong, who is the most epic of douches, has some manners. Usually he’ll try to look up a skirt or down a shirt while he’s being polite, but it’s better than this. I turn to retrieve the papers when two things happen, a power surge ramps up the box fans—it happens at least twice a day, and at the same time Lincoln pulls the door open again. The simultaneous actions create a vortex of air inside my office, and my skirt flutters into the air. Like I’m Marilyn Monroe and I’ve stepped onto one of those subway grates. The fabric rises quickly, and a breeze hits me right between the legs, which is the exact moment I remember that I’m not wearing panties. Because they were covered in the coffee Armstrong spilled in my lap. I drop the papers and battle the fabric back down. It’s fruitless, though, the wind tunnel whirls through the room like Dorothy’s freaking tornado, and the back of my dress goes up. I meet Lincoln’s gaze from across the small room. All it takes is a second of eye contact before those ridiculously blue eyes pull me in, and weird, inappropriate things start happening to my body. It’s irritating as hell. I don’t even like this guy, but my body seems as if it hasn’t gotten the same memo as the rest of me. Even more aggravating is the realization that based on his expression, he totally caught an eyeful of cooch. Lincoln stands frozen at the door, eyes wide and fixed on my crotch, mouth hanging open. “Close the damn door!” My voice is siren high. And loud. “Right. Yes. I’m going. Now.” He steps out of my office, pulling the door closed behind him. My dress settles around my knees. “Dammit.” I drop into my chair, which is probably what I should’ve done as soon as the wind tunnel started, but clearly I’d been too panicked to think straight. On the upside, I went to see my waxer last week, so he’s seen my girl bits when they’re looking their finest. On the downside, my project for the next six months has seen my naked girl bits.

About the Author:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of PUCKED, Helena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. She's writes contemporary romance ranging from new adult angst to romantic sports comedy.
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I am a new fan to this author and I have read this entire series (except for the book featuring Lincoln's brother's ex wife) and I have really loved them. That said this book is the best one in the entire series, maybe even the best story the author has written that I have read. It is definitely a top pick of mine for 2019. And the reason is it is so much fun.

Lincoln is the cousin of Griffin from the last book and he has an evil brother and an evil mother as well. But he has a wonderful grandmother and a father who is now dead who he never really knew.. He comes home for his fathers funeral and he is appointed as CEO and while he has no desire to stay, his grandmother asks him to stay and so he agrees.

Wren is in publicity and her job is to make sure that Linc's brother stays out of trouble plus she worked with Linc's father. Her new task now is to help get Linc acclimated to the company and well she does an awesome job. To some degree these two are opposites who clash, think grumpy mountain man and big city girl and that's the trope here plus romance in the workplace with a dash of fun annoying each other.

This book from top to bottom is so much fun. I laughed I cringed and I even bit my nails as I tried to figure out the mystery of just who Lincoln's dad was and what he was hiding. Both characters, Wren and Linc were absolutely wonderful and so perfect for each other I loved how close they became and how they were always honest with each other. This book was simply wonderful and I plan to re-read it again, it was that great.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Already Gone by Kristen Proby and K.L. Grayson

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Already Gone, an all-new standalone contemporary romance by New York Times bestselling author Kristen Proby and USA Today bestselling author K.L. Grayson is LIVE!
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Falling in love is easy…
New Hope, South Carolina is my home. It’s where I grew up, got into trouble, and fell in love for the first time. Scarlett Kincaid was more than the girl next door, she was my best friend, until she decided that small town life wasn’t for her. One minute she was here, and the next she was gone.
The girl I used to fish with down at the creek is now the biggest name in country music. She headlines world tours, has won four Grammys, and I haven’t seen her since. Until today when she sped through town in her fancy car. One look at her big brown eyes was all it took to stir up a whole slew of emotions. Emotions I’d long ago buried and sure as hell don’t have time for.
It’s the aftermath that’s hard…
There are two things in my life that matter. My music, and my dad. Twelve years ago, I packed a bag and chased my dream. Leaving New Hope and escaping the gossip mill was the easiest decision I ever made. I never planned to return, but my father needs me, and he always comes first. So, I did what I had to do. I cut my tour short and came home, despite having a sister who hates me, and a community that doesn’t trust me.
And then there’s Tucker Andrews.
When he propped an arm on the roof of my car, pulled down his sunglasses and flashed his police badge, I nearly swallowed my tongue. Gone is the lanky boy who used to throw rocks at me and pull my pigtails. Tucker is now a six-foot package of brawny, sexy man wrapped in more muscle than I have hit singles. Did I mention he’s a cop and a single dad?
My goal was to help Dad, and get back to my life. But what am I supposed to do when the life that used to strangle me suddenly fits like a glove, and makes me dream of things I never thought I’d have? What happens when the boy I walked away from years ago becomes one of the most important people in my life? I don’t have room for a man much less love.
Right? Because it’s impossible to hold onto someone who’s already gone.
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About Kristen:
Kristen was born and raised in a small resort town in her beloved Montana. In her mid-twenties, she decided to stretch her wings and move to the Pacific Northwest, where she made her home for more than a dozen years.
During that time, Kristen wrote many romance novels and joined organizations such as RWA and other small writing groups. She spent countless hours in workshops, and more mornings than she can count up before the dawn so she could write before going to work. She submitted many manuscripts to agents and editors alike, but was always told no. In the summer of 2012, the self-publishing scene was new and thriving, and Kristen had one goal: to publish just one book. It was something she longed to cross off of her bucket list.
Not only did she publish one book, she’s since published close to thirty titles, many of which have hit the USA Today, New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists. She continues to self publish, best known for her With Me In Seattle and Boudreaux series, and is also proud to work with William Morrow, a division of HarperCollins, with the Fusion Series.
Kristen and her husband, John, make their home in her hometown of Whitefish, Montana with their two pugs and two cats.
Connect with Kristen:
Pinterest: @handbagjunkie Website:

About K.L. Grayson
K.L. Grayson resides in a small town outside of St. Louis, MO. She is entertained
daily by her extraordinary husband, who will forever inspire every good quality she
writes in a man.
 Her entire life rests in the palms of six dirty little hands, and when the  day is over and those pint-sized cherubs have been washed and tucked into bed, you can find her typing away furiously on her computer. She has a love for alpha-males, brownies, reading, tattoos, sunglasses, and happy endings…and not particularly in that
Connect with K.L. Grayson

This was a really fun story and I absolutely loved every second of it.. Though at times I wondered if the couple, Scarlett and Tucker could really make it work long term. It is extremely well written and is a very fun story about two former friends finding love for the first time together in the small town they both grew up in.

Scarlett is a country singer and she is very famous. She loves her father, is estranged from her sister and has not visited her hometown for 12 years. Until she gets a call from her sister saying her dad had a small stroke and she is needed at home. This brings her home now 12 years later.

The first person she runs into is Tucker, her former best friend and neighbor who is now a cop as he tickets her as she enters town. He sorta loves and hates her. He always had a thing for her but he was a nerd and she the popular kid and so they never dated. She left town and never talked to him again so he has a lot of anger.

And this is the story of coming home again and growing up and letting the past go and moving on. Tucker and Scar get to know each other whole Scar also gets to know Tuckers daughter who is a teenager. This is a story about growing up and learning to compromise and falling in love with your family, home town and the man that makes you whole.

It is now always easy and Scar and Tucker have to figure it all out and this was a wonderfully written story with a great castoff characters and supporting cast. If you love small town stories with a 2nd chance at love then you will adore this story.

Wild Tendy by Toni Aleo

Nico has goals...and she's number one on his list. Wild Tendy by Toni Aleo is available now!
Universal --
Nico Merryweather loves women—all women. Sure, they’re sexy and fun. But “Player” is an easy reputation to hide behind, a way to keep the good times rolling and reality at bay. He’s loud, he’s cocky, he says exactly what he’s thinking, and people just laugh it off because they think they know him. But Nico makes sure no one is close enough to know the truth. With a new season starting, he is ready to play the game he can control.
They’ll all be watching Nico, the goalie, but they’ll never know the man behind the mask who is just trying to breathe. He hasn’t ever wanted anyone close enough to him to see the truth, until Aviva rams herself into his ass. Literally. Aviva Pearce’s life is a collection of bad days all wrapped up without a bow. If it can go wrong, it will. All she wants is to run her business, take care of her sister, and keep her head above water.
But with a father who is out to ruin her like he has himself and debt trying to drown her, it’s hard to stay afloat. Aviva isn’t the type to waste time dwelling on her misfortunes or to give up, though. She’s got too much fight in her. And she definitely doesn’t have time to waste on the wildly sexy, rich, showboating goaltender everyone wants. She’s got goals. What she doesn’t know is that Nico has goals of his own. And she’s number one on his list.
Cover Designer: Lori Jackson
Design Cover Photography: FuriousFotog
About the Author:
My name is Toni Aleo and I’m a total dork.
I am a wife, mother of two and a bulldog, and also a hopeless romantic.
I am the biggest Shea Weber fan ever, and can be found during hockey season with my nose pressed against the Bridgestone Arena’s glass, watching my Nashville Predators play!
When my nose isn’t pressed against the glass, I enjoy going to my husband and son’s hockey games, my daughter’s dance competition, hanging with my best friends, taking pictures, scrapbooking, and reading the latest romance novel.
I have a slight Disney and Harry Potter obsession, I love things that sparkle, I love the color pink, I might have been a Disney Princess in a past life… probably Belle.
… and did I mention I love hockey?
Connect with Toni!


This is book 2 in the Ice Cats Series and it is supposed to stand alone. But I had not read book 1 and I was feeling slightly lost as I read it. Thats when I decided to download and buy the first book (Juicy Rebound) and I am really happy I did.

I had read Shelli's book already (Dump and Chase), she is mentioned in the all the Ice Cats books. Juicy Rebound introduces Nico and also is the romance between Amelia and Chandler. They  are BIG parts of Wild Tendy/Nico's story and so I highly recommend you read Juicy Rebound first.

Wild Tendy is a wonderful and amazing story. The writing is phenomenal and the character building is wonderful. It is not a light romance, it is very different and deep and really emotional. Nico is a very complicated guy and he is NOT a man whore. You will read the first chapter and it looks like he is but really he is not.

He meets Aviva when she runs into him literally. And he can't get her out of his head. Aviva is an amazing character and I loved her and her sister. To some degree her sister stole this book from her because she is absolutely the best character in this book. Aviva has had a rough life but she is also very proud and wants to make it on he own but life keeps getting in her way. I loved how she is with Nico and her sister.

There are some major/deep issues in this book. One is breast cancer and I feel I need to say that, so if that is a sensitive subject for you as a reader you should be warned. No one is sick in this book but Aviva's mother had breast cancer and its a very big part of this story. This story really explores that in a way I have never seen any other romance do.

Nico also has some issues he deals with everyday that make him very vulnerable and it really enhanced this story watching how he deals with his issues. He and Aviva are totally perfect for each other and I oved how real they are with each other.

This was a wonderful story and I can see it winning all kinds of awards because while a romance it also is very deep and poignant.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Checked - Boston Terriers Hockey- by Jacob Chance

They call him ‘Wilde Man’. Rumor has it he’s an animal on the ice and between the sheets.
Like the rest of the female population, I’ve been crushing on Clancy Wilde, the captain of Boston University’s hockey team, since the first time I saw him. Big, blond, and charming, he ticks all the boxes. 
When we find ourselves at a wedding, drunk and flirting, I know I can finally check this tattooed, bad boy, hockey player off my wish list.
One night is all it was meant to be, until I see two pink lines on the pregnancy test.
How did the notch on my belt turn into a ball and chain?


“Oh my gosh! This book was amazing!” - blog
“No one writes a confirmed bachelor turned swoony, love-of-your-life like Jacob. Get ready ladies, Clancy is going to steal your heart!” - Keri Loves Books
“Anytime Jacob Chance releases a novel I spare as much time as necessary to devour his words!” - Words We Love by Blog

Jacob Chance grew up in New England and still lives there today. He's a martial artist, a football fan, a practical joker and junk food lover.

A writer of sports romcoms and romantic suspense, he plans on providing you with many more stories.


This book was really awesome but as I started reading it, it introduced some characters I had not read before, Sophie and Miles. Sophie is the best friend of the female star of this story, Tenley and Clancy, the male lead is her cousin. Miles is Sophie's boyfriend and he is a minor character in this story, Sophie is pretty important as she is the big connection between T and C. So I went back and read their book Depravity. I highly recommend you read that story first. Clancy is not in the book at all but Tenley is and I loved getting the whole story by reading both books. Can you read this as a standalone, probably but you will miss a really great story in Depravity.
This story is Checked and its stars are Clancy who goes to college in Boston. He is on the hockey team and he is about to graduate and head to the NHL. He goes to visit his cousin Sophie who lives in Washington DC/Maryland and runs into her bestie who he has a crush on and who has a crush on him, Tenley at a mutual friends wedding.
The two end up hooking up for one night and well as you know she ends up pregnant. This is the story of how two very attracted to each other 20 year olds end up pregnant and how they deal with it and each other. Its not really a one night stand, these two have known each other for years and have liked each other a very long time but they both like being single. So its more about how they learn to move forward with each other and how they want the future to look.
It was a really wonderfully told story and I really enjoyed watching the characters in the two different colleges and getting to know their friends and how they made things work. I loved that Clancy is very selective on who he has sex with and I also loved how long Tenley has crushed on him.

Bottles and Blades - Eagles Hockey: Oak Ridge Vineyards #1 - by Elise Faber (Jean-Michel Dubois and Tiff)

  Bottles & Blades  by Elise Faber is available now! Available on All Platforms   ABOUT THE BOO...