Unfortunately, even in a city as big as Manhattan, finding a guy who wasn't intimidated by a strong-minded, slightly outspoken woman was proving harder than expected. Having fallen in love at the age of fifteen Collin Locklaine was convinced he'd already found the woman he was destined to spend the rest of his life with.
That was, until she pulled the rug out from under him and ended their relationship. He'd taken care of her, been her protector. And now he was forced to start over again. A man with a hero complex and a woman with a fierce independent streak should never work. However, fate has other ideas. Besides, sex that good can't be a fluke, right?
With an attraction like theirs, Devon and Collin have no other choice but to dive in and see where it leads them. Only one thing is certain. When they finally come together, it's going to be epic.

***This is Book 3 in the Locklaine Boys series, a spin-off of Love Hate relationship. They are interconnected standalones.***


Addicted 2 Romance Review:

***I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.**
I have read this entire series and I am so sad to report that this is the end of the Locklaine boys. Its been an amazingly wonderful series and this book is definitely one of my favorites. Mostly because I love the heroine, Devon.

Devon is spunky, she says it like it is and takes no prisoners and in this book she works for Richard Locklaine who is living with and in love with her bestie, Delilah and they live next door. They have lots of sex and Richard's cousin, Collin is Devon's roomie. He also shares a wall with the other apartment and so when they have sex he runs to Devons be and they snuggle.

Sounds great right? So whats the problem? It is that Collin is a 34 year old man who has dated his ex since he was 15. So even though, the ex, Briane turned his marriage proposal down, he still calls and texts her, and Devon refuses to get involved with a guy hung up on someone else.
However, well meaning friends (who I love from the other books) decide to hook Devon up with other guys, namely,Chance (yes he is back too, I hope he gets a book someday) and well thats when Collin gets a clue and OMG the fireworks.

Thats all I telling you about the plot. Does Devon and Collin get a clue? Does Briane win or does Devon get her man? Well this story is pure fun and I loved the journey to happiness and love for Devon and Collin.

“Shh,” I
hissed. “You have to be quiet. Collin can’t know you’re here. I didn’t tell
him, and he might get pissed and kick you out.”
The small,
pathetic whimper tugged at my heart, and I reached down to pick the squirming
bundle of fur off my bedroom floor, tucking her close to my chest. “It’s okay,”
I cooed to the puppy. “I’ll talk him around. Don’t worry.”
It probably
would have been smart to discuss adopting a puppy with my roommate before I actually went to the SPCA and
got him, but obviously, I wasn’t making the best decisions as of late. I still
hadn’t been one hundred percent decided when I stopped by the shelter, but when
I walked past her cage and saw her sad, lonely eyes staring up at me, I just
couldn’t help myself. She looked how I felt. It was fate. I knew she was
destined to be my puppy, so I didn’t hesitate. I adopted her right then. I just
hoped Collin didn’t completely lose his shit when he finally discovered my
little secret.
She whimpered
again and stretched her neck out to lick the underside of my jaw. “You hungry,
baby girl?” I giggled when her little puppy teeth started nipping at my chin. I
placed her on the floor and pulled out the doggie bowl I’d just purchased —
along with a shit ton of other puppy items — and dumped in a scoop of dog food.
Picking up the matching water bowl, I stood and headed for the bedroom door.
“Now you be quiet, okay? I need to go get you some water. I’ll be right back.”
I left the
bedroom thinking that having a conversation with a dog like it was an actual
person might mean I needed to get a life. I’d just filled the bowl full of
water when the front door flew open so fast it crashed into the wall behind it,
causing me to jump and slosh the contents of the bowl all down the front of my
silk blouse.
A second
later it slammed shut, followed by a loud, “Devon!”
“Jeez, will
you relax,” I muttered, yanking a wad of paper towels off the holder to try and
soak up some of the water that was falling down my front. “I’m right here.”
My eyes had
been pointed down at my drenched top, so focused on my task that I hadn’t
caught the fiery, determined expression on Collin’s face as he continued toward
the kitchen until he was right on me. I let out a startled gasp when his hand
suddenly shot into my line of sight, snatching the paper towels out of my grip.
“What the
hell?” I blinked and looked up to find his face only inches from mine. My heart
rate spiked at the close proximity. My skin began to tingle, and I stumbled
back on my heels to try and create some distance. “What’s going on? What’s
With every
step I took back, he followed until I was pinned against the kitchen counter.
Collin’s hands bracketed my hips, giving me no room for escape. His voice was
gruff and rumbly as he declared, “This shit ends.” Then dipped his face so we
were nose to nose and growled, “Today.”
The sudden
burning sensation in my lungs alerted me to the fact that I’d been holding my
breath. Pulling in some much-needed oxygen, I stuttered, “W-what?”
Collin ran
the tip of his nose along mine and the sensation made my entire body melt. My
knees threatened to buckle and my head went loopy. “Uh… w-what are y-you
“I’m sick and
fucking tired of you freezing me out.”
Okay, well,
those words were enough to chase the warm, gooey feeling in my belly away. I
put my hands to his chest and pushed, but it was like trying to move a wall.
“Collin—” I spoke in a low, warning tone.
he didn’t care that I wanted him to step back. He wasn’t finished. And what he
said next was a massive hit to that steel-reinforced wall I’d been working to
build around myself. “I miss touching you.”
Well damn.
At the feel
of his lips sliding along my cheek, my eyes fluttered closed. “I miss holding
you whenever the hell I want,” he whispered against the shell of my ear,
causing me to tremble. “You’ve been giving me the silent treatment for too
goddamned long.”
That time I spoke his name in a completely different tone. Needy, pleading,
almost desperate. “I don’t… what’s happening right now?”
I could have
sworn his tongue darted out and flicked my earlobe. “What’s it feel like?”
Then the
moment was broken by a sharp, yappy bark that was coming from my bedroom.
“Oh shit.”
entire body jerked back. “The fuck was that?”
“Uh… Collin.
Before I
could get the words out, he was on the move, rounding the counter that
separated the kitchen and living space, and heading down the hall toward my
room. “Collin, wait,” I panted, chasing after him. “I can totally explain!”
He had the
door thrown open as I hit the mouth of the hall, and I knew, by his reaction,
he’d found the source of the noise when I was about two feet away.
“Holy fuck!”
He stumbled back and hit the wall. “Jesus Christ! What the hell is that?!” he
shouted, still moving backward along the wall. His terror-filled eyes were on
my poor puppy as she trotted out and followed after him. “Shit! It’s moving!
Devon, get me a broom or baseball bat or something to kill it with!”
“No!” I
rushed down the rest of the hall and skirted past Collin, scooping my precious
baby off the floor and holding her close. “Don’t you dare!”
Devon, don’t touch that thing! It could have rabies or something.”
My eyes
narrowed in a vicious glare. “She doesn’t have rabies. And she’s not a thing. She’s a puppy.” I cuddled her
trembling body close and tucked her under my chin. “And stop yelling. You’re
scaring her.”
He stood
frozen for several seconds before finally asking, “Are you kidding? That’s not
a dog, Dev. That’s some sort of rodent.”
Holding on to
my shaking dog with one arm, I reached out and punched Collin with the other.
“She is not. She’s a cross between a Chihuahua and a Boston Terrier.”
His eyes got
wide as he looked from my dog to me. “Bullshit!”
Okay, so he
wasn’t completely off the mark. “The people at the animal shelter think she
might have a little American Hairless Terrier in her, too.”
“The pound?”
he asked incredulously. “You adopted
this thing?”
“Stop calling
her a thing,” I ground out. “Her name is Pogo.”
I smiled down
at her when she reached up and licked my jaw again. “It’s because she looks
like she’s bouncing on a pogo stick when she walks.”
Born and raised around Houston Texas, Jessica spent most of her life complaining about the heat, humidity, and all around pain in the ass weather. It was only as an adult that she quickly realized the cost of living in Houston made up for not being able to breathe when she stepped outside. That’s why God created central air, after all.
Jessica is the mother of a
perfect little boy–she refuses to accept that he inherited her attitude and
sarcastic nature no matter what her husband says.
In addition to being a wife
and mom, she’s also a wino, a coffee addict, and an avid lover of all types of
books–romances still being her all time favs. Her husband likes to claim that
reading is her obsession but she just says it’s a passion…there’s a difference.
Not that she’d expect a boy to understand.
Jessica has been writing
since she was a little girl, but thankfully grew out of drawing her own
pictures for her stories before ever publishing her first book. Because an
artist she is not.

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