Monday, April 10, 2017

Extra Innings - An Infield Novel #2 - by Michelle Lynn

ENTER TO WIN: A Signed Paperbacks of Rounding Third and Extra Innings by Michelle Lynn

I’m the crazy fun one. Pedal to the floor, balls to the wall, party all weekend guy.
The guy everybody calls for laughs and a good time.
And I always deliver.

So, when Ainsley Winslow and I made a pact for a summer fling, I was all in.
What hot-blooded college male doesn’t jump at the chance for a no strings attached relationship?  Not this one.

Then summer drew to a close, and I found myself wanting time to move slower. Ainsley Winslow is a girl of her word. When fall inevitably came, she vanished.

She no longer answered my calls, my texts or my knocks on her door. After the silence continued, I questioned what I was doing and who had I become. I am Braxton Brentwood…this isn’t me. Time to move on and get the party started again. And I did.

Until our paths crossed again, and I remembered what we had. She wasn’t getting away a second time because our game just went into Extra Innings.


Addicted 2 Romance Review:

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This is book 2 in a series about a group of 3 friends. The first book featured Crosby and Ella. they both were destroyed when some very close friends/family died in a car accident in high school. The other surviving friend is Braxton, a big baseball player in their college and this story is how he finds his happily ever after.

I was asked by the author not share too much about the plot and any spoilers. So I cannot tell you much about the plot. I can tell you I was entralled with this story. Its definitely less painful and angysty than the first book as the first book deals with the death of the two friends and how Crosby and Ella deal with that. This story was very angysty too but in a different way. Braxton has to really figure out who he is and what he really wants and that is really what this story is about. He has to decide on the girl and what he wants his future to be and it is not an easy decision so expect lots of angyst.

Ainsley is the girl and I really loved her. More than Brax or Ella or anyone else, She really is a super strong character and I beyond respected her. Her brother, Cade I loved. And well I really enjoyed how she made Brax chase her.

This was a very enjoyable, young adult story with lots of sex scenes but still a good storyline. This author has a gift in creating characters I really love. If you are looking for a college age, baseball romance then this is a really great story.

About the Author: 

Michelle moved around the Midwest most of her life, transferring from school to school before settling down in the outskirts of Chicago ten years ago, where she now resides with her husband and two kids. She developed a love of reading at a young age, which helped lay the foundation for her passion to write. With the encouragement of her family, she finally sat down and wrote one of the many stories that have been floating around in her head. When she isn’t reading or writing, she can be found playing with her kids, talking to her mom on the phone, or hanging out with her family and friends. But after chasing around two kindergarteners all day, she always cherishes her relaxation time after putting the kids to bed.

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