Wednesday, April 26, 2017

HIDDEN DEPTH by Brenda Rothert


I had it all. Breaking into the entertainment business as a teenager wasn’t easy. I spent years of my childhood traveling, auditioning and hoping my big break would come. And when I did, I rose to a level I never imagined. Elle Tyler: model, singer and actress. I couldn’t go anywhere without security anymore. It was everything I ever wanted and more - fame, fortune and worldwide recognition.

At age twenty-four, I was living a dream. But a single act of violence shattered my fairytale existence. In a matter of seconds, all the goodness in me was ripped to shreds. Overnight, the people around me dropped away, moving on to find the next big thing. I gave up on myself, becoming a woman so dark and forlorn I no longer recognized myself.

But the stranger who saved me that day, Justin Lockhart, never gave up on me. He still saw light through my darkness. And as we grew closer, I started to see it, too. And I also started to see that before that terrible day, maybe I didn’t really have it all. Maybe I was always missing the only thing that really matter.

Addicted 2 Romance Review:

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This book was all kinds of wonderful and I hated for it to end. I also LOVE the Lockhart family and hate that this is the author's last story on the single Lockharts. I really felt this story brought the whole series full circle as Ivy who starred in the first book was very central to part of the storyline.

This book stars good guy and lawyer Justin Lockhart. Up to now he has never been seen only heard of in this series. In this book he is finishing up an intern job because he has graduated and passed the bar and is ready to go home to his family and his hometown of Lovely.

One day he arrives early for a lunch date and he literally saves our heroine Elle. Elle is a model and rockstar/singer. She is world famous and her reputation is very wholesome. She is engaged and is pretty much super happy with her best friend Chloe her assistant, a famous Fiancee and all the money she needs. She is on her way to Chicago and is very excited for a concert she is giving there, when the act of violence occurs. And Justin is the one that saves her.

If you know this author well she embraces pain in her heroines. They are strong women who don't know how strong they are, until they are forced to thru life and well that really is what Elle's story is. She has to find out how strong she is and thru that ordeal she discovers who she really is beyond the fame and money and career. She discovers who and what is important to her and she finds out what is really important in life.

As her and Justin get to know each other well I fell hard for this story it was beautiful and watching them fall for the other. They really see each other and I loved how there they are for the other. I also loved how the author brings Ivy and  her attack back and it really helps Elle deal with what happened to her and it makes her stronger. It was an amazing plot twist using Ivy's pain and having her make Elle even stronger. To me that plot twist really brought the series full circle and I loved it.

 This story really deals well with the negative side of love and hero worship and the twisted things love can make one do in the name of love when in actuality its the furthest thing from love its obsession.

This story was AMAZING and I loved it so much. It is one of those books I know I will be re-reading again.

About the Author:

Brenda Rothert is an Illinois native who was a print journalist for nine years. She made the jump from fact to fiction in 2013 and never looked back. From new adult to steamy contemporary romance, Brenda creates fresh characters in every story she tells. She’s a lover of Diet Coke, chocolate, lazy weekends and happily ever afters.

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