Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Forbidden Kisses: Blushing Bay #1 by Annie Rains


For years, Jack Sawyer’s family has been running their upscale seafood business like a finely tuned machine. But every machine breaks down eventually, and suddenly Jack needs a new office manager, a new kayak launch, and a new lease on life. Then Grace Donner shows up again. She’s smart, motivated, and perfect for the manager position, but if she’s anything like her mom, she can’t be trusted. And Jack has never been able to trust himself around Grace.

Grace hasn’t seen her former stepbrothers since their parents’ messy divorce, but she never forgot them—especially Jack. She misses being part of the big rambunctious Sawyer clan, and if there’s an opportunity to set things right, she means to do it. But she can’t ignore Jack’s irresistibly kissable lips, or the searing way he looks at her when he thinks she’s not looking. Their chemistry is more explosive than ever. And if the Sawyers can forgive and forget, anything is possible.


Addicted 2 Romance Review

**I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.**

I have only read one or two books by this author and they have been romances about military  heroes. This is a NEW series about a family business of fisherman. Its kind of a cool series because I have never read a series before about fisherman. The author does a greta job of making the fisherman business appear sexy.

The story centers around the Sawyer family. The family consists of:

Pete - the dad who has been married twice. To the love of his life and then to a woman with a teen daughter who then with a shopping addiction sold off all the first wives possessions to fund her habit.

Son - Jack who has a thing for his ex step sister, Grace but a hate on for her mother. He is convinced by a desperate Grace to hire her as office manager for teh Sawyer fishing business.

Son - Noah who is the youngest and viewed Grace as his sister.

Son - Sam who is divorced and the oldest.

Grace, the former step sister loved the whole family but lost everyone when her mother did the terrible thing of selling thr boys' mothers things, most importantly, the boat named after her, The Beatrice.

In this story Grace desperate for a job gets a job at the Sawyers, her and Jack start a relationship and because of the bad blood and because Grace wants to be considered family, she and Jack hide their relationship.

While Grace decides to enter a fishing tourny and will 20K to get back the boat for the Sawyers. She asks Noah and Jack to help until everyone ends upmad at her and then its Girfriend Power and I loved when all the ladies decide to still do the tourny after Jack and Noah bails.

I totally loved this story and I cannot wait for more books in this series.

Jack reached for a folded blanket beside the cooler and laid it down on the open floor of the boat. “I know it’s not the most comfortable surface for lying back, but I thought we could look at the stars. It’s a favorite pastime of fishermen, you know.”
“Oh yeah?”
He reached for her hand to help her lower to the floor. She held on to his tightly, surprised at how off balanced she felt. Then they lay back together, close enough that they touched. The soft hair on Jack’s arm resting against hers aroused her senses.
Were they really just going to look at the stars?
Yes, it was all very romantic, but so was doing other things under the stars. Things she’d been thinking about since stepping aboard.
Jack pointed up at the sky and started to speak. Grace was tired of talking, though. Tired of resisting what she wanted, and right now all she wanted was Jack.
Unable to help herself, uninhibited by the wine and the romantic environment, she rolled on top of him and crushed her mouth over his.
Judging by the stiff protrusion that met her inner thigh, he wanted her just as much.
“Well, hello there,” he said, smiling against her mouth.
“I’m sorry,” she said, even though she didn’t mean it.
His hand slid down her back and settled on her bottom, pulling her snug against him. “I’m not. I’d decided tonight was for romance only, but I can’t think of anything more romantic than making love to you on this boat.”
White-hot heat tore through her. She was so hot that maybe it was time to start stripping.

As if reading her mind, Jack tugged the hem of her shirt up on her back and then over her head. The rest of her clothes fell away in the wake of his needy hands until she was tipsy and naked on the floor of his pontoon boat—on a boat ride to nowhere in particular, except his body was promising to shoot her to the low-hanging full moon.

About the Author

Annie Rains is a USA Today bestselling author who writes small-town love stories set in fictional towns on the coast of North Carolina. Raised in one of America’s largest military communities, Annie often features heroes who fight for their countries, while also fighting for a place to call home and a good woman to love. When Annie isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her husband and three children, or reading a book by one of her favorite authors.



  1. Thank you for reviewing!
    Tasty Book Tours

  2. Thank you so much for reading and for the lovely review!


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