Monday, July 31, 2017

Something So Perfect by Natasha Madison

About the Book

Drafted first round pick when I was seventeen, playing first line at eighteen, branded NHL's bad boy at nineteen. At twenty-three I was cut from the team and living back home with my parents. A knock on the door brought an opportunity I couldn’t turn down. All I had to do was prove I learned from my mistakes, so no way would I fall for a chick with a pouty mouth even if I wanted to spend all day devouring it.

When my father gave me a job, I had no idea it would be to babysit some washed up NHL player. He wanted me to be his chaperone, his overpaid babysitter. I thought it was a joke. Then I met him, Matthew Grant. I wasn’t prepared for this particular bad boy. He’s not only hot but he’s arrogant and kinda sweet in a 'you make me crazy' kind of way.
Basically now that he’s finished screwing up his life, he’s decided to turn mine upside down.

She’s the first thing I’ve ever wanted more than hockey.
He’s the guy I know I should stay away from.
But what if this thing that started out so wrong turns into something so perfect?


Addicted 2 Romance Review

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This was my 2nd book by this author. I previously read Tempted by the Boss and it features that couple in this story, though its only a scene or two. BUT before reading this book I highly suggest you read the 1st story, Something So Right (LINK). Can this book stand alone, YES! In fact I read the first half by itself but then I realised I was missing a lot by not reading the 1st book, so I stopped and read Something So Right and then went back to this story and it really added to the story so I knew who everyone was and their back history.

This story was HOT and sexy and fun and if you love enemies to lovers, roomate romances, sports romances then you will LOVE this story. It was beyond wonderful.  It starts off with a bang and then takes us to how the story began. Then about 70% we head back into that 1st scene and it totally makes sense.

This story stars bad boy, Matt a hockey player with great skills but a lack of good judgement and so he was tossed out by his team. Now a new team is giving him his last chance and that is Karrie's dad. He hires Karrie to babysit Matt and yes part of that is living together.

Matt falls into instant lust with Karrie and Karrie hates him on sight. Thinks he is a major player and jerk. Matt is also very alpha and well no is not in his dictionary and so it was fun watching these two manuever around the other.

This story was super fun, very HOT, burn your kindle hot and so sweet. It had some wonderful moments, it was full of good friends and wonderful family and I fell hard for every single character except for Max.

There is another book connected to this one and well I cannot wait.

About theAuthor

When her nose isn't buried in a book, or her fingers flying across a keyboard writing, she's in the kitchen creating gourmet meals. You can find her, in four inch heels no less, in the car chauffeuring kids, or possibly with her husband scheduling his business trips. It's a good thing her characters do what she says, because even her Labrador doesn't listen to her...

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Well Built By Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde

About the Book

When it comes to women, sexy, well-built Kyle Coleman has always been a lover, not a fighter. His one exception? The sassy, tempting, smart-mouthed Ella Fisher. 

Her family and his are sworn enemies, which make the two of them off-limits—despite the fact that she's inspired some of his dirtiest, most erotic fantasies for years. 

But when the lines between animosity and lust become irrevocably blurred one fateful evening, their one night stand leads to a very unexpected consequence—that changes everything between them forever.


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Addicted 2 Romance Review

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This was an enjoyabe story in the series. It is book 3 and it easily stands alone. I enjoyed it alot and cannot wait for book 4. This is Kyle's story. We have met him other books as he is a partner in the real estate development company with the characters from the previous books.

In this book we learn about his tragic past which includes losing the love of his life, Ella when his brother impregnanted her older sister who then had a miscarriage and her father had a stroke on the same night. The two were in love but after that night Ella told him to go away and he did.

They do not see each other for ten years until the day that a property is being auctioned off that sits next to Ella's family grocery store which she wants to buy but Kyle also wants to buy it for his mother. And that is when the fun starts.

After he does this Ella follows him to Chicago where some mishaps occur and they have a wonderful date but Ella knows how her father hates Kyle and his family but Kyle has other plans. And so more fun, hijinks and sex occurs. Will Kyle and Ella make it work? Well I am not sharing.

This book was fun, sweet and romantic. Kyle is not anti love and romance. In this book Ella and her father are more of an issue. Ella was hard to relate to. She is a total sweetheart but maybe too much so. She seems to have given up her life 10 years before to take care of her dad. She is even living at home with him. I just could not relate to how much she is attached to her dad and how closely he watches her and dissapproves of certain things. I could have understood a year or two, but 10 years, it was too much for me.

That said I did like her character even if I could not relate and I  LOVED what Kyle ends up doing for her. Together they were really terrific. I just found it hard to relate to her and Kyle was beyond sweet and romantic.

About the Authors:

***About Carly Phillips***

Carly Phillips is the N.Y. Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of over 50 sexy contemporary romance novels featuring hot men, strong women and the emotionally compelling stories her readers have come to expect and love. Carly is happily married to her college sweetheart, the mother of two nearly adult daughters and three crazy dogs (two wheaten terriers and one mutant Havanese) who star on her Facebook Fan Page and website. Carly loves social media and is always around to interact with her readers. You can find out more about Carly at

***About Erika Wilde***

Erika Wilde is the author of the sexy Marriage Diaries series and The Players Club series. She lives in Oregon with her husband and two daughters, and when she's not writing you can find her exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest. For more information on her upcoming releases, please visit website at

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Michael by Karla Sorensen

About the Book

Brooke Rossi knows how stay in control.

After all, finding herself a single mother to twins after her ‘allergic to responsibility’ ex-boyfriend left town has kinda set the bar for whatever might come her way. Except the day-to-day realities of single motherhood has her juggling in a way that she couldn’t anticipate, which is why she's one sleepless night away from a padded cell.

Her unexpected help comes in the form of Michael Whitfield, unrepentant flirt and alleged manwhore. Michael isn’t allergic to responsibility, but he does have a healthy aversion to commitment, until his relationship with Brooke. Their friendship is easy, until it’s not. They learn to walk a tight rope of restraint, choosing not to act on their attraction out of respect for the friendship they’ve built.

One scorching, clothes-free visit past the boundaries they put in place, and Brooke finds herself facing the most uncontrollable situation of all: risking her heart to a man who’s never had to take care of one before.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, text and outdoor




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“Michael,” I said dumbly, like a big dumb idiot. “Wh-what are you doing here?”

Michael Whitfield was the kind of handsome that made me twitchy. It was easier to ignore when I’d been a whale of a pregnant person and he oh-so-kindly informed me that I held no appeal whatsoever to him because I was on the verge of single motherhood. Okay, fine, that wasn’t exactly what he said, but he’d been pretty clear that our relationship was platonic.

He smiled down at me, all straight blinding teeth and dark, scruffy face, the white t-shirt he wore underneath a dark gray hoodie stretched across his leanly muscular chest in a way that made me feel a little sweaty. “I’m the cavalry.”

“You are not.”

His eyebrows lifted at my snappish response, but no, no, nope, all the no in all the world. “I was with Julia when she got your text and they already had plans.”

I shifted Jacob in my arms and he peered around me at the tall, handsome man currently annoying his mommy. Well, he wasn’t annoying me, exactly. But I was annoyed in general and now Michael got to be my scapegoat. Yay for him. “Why didn’t she tell me that?”

Piper waddled over and gripped her chubby hands into Michael’s dark jeans. I was just about to apologize when he leaned over and picked her up with the kind of ease that had me speechless.
Effing speechless.

Image may contain: 2 people, text

Addicted 2 Romance Review

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This is book #4 in the series and what was so terrific about this story is it features all the previous couples in the story and we get to see more of their stories as well.

The only thing about this story I hated was that the last book in the series will only be out in the winter of 2018. I am not sure I can make it. It will be Tristan's story. Will it feature Anna? Well I hope not because in this story we see both their characters and I want Tristan to get someone really terrific and Anna has never seemed that great.

And now onto this story. This is Michael's book. Yep I know you know because of the whole title thing but it is more Brooke's book than Michael's in my honest opinion. We have met Michael throughout the series and he is the commitphobe, huge flirt and manwhore type of guy. In this book we discover who he is and who is, is a man who loves all women, treats them with respect and who has flings but he is not a manwhore. He was raised by a single mother and so he 100% respects nd loves women.

Brooke we met in the last book and in Cole's book she helped get her sister, Julia and Cole together. Now this story is her romance and an update on how she is doing with twin babies and no partner in sight. And that is where Michael comes in. He has a healthy respect for single moms and he starts to help Brooke out which also leads to him help her build a beauty parlour in her home so she can work from home.

As he works and builds her this office, well they get to know each other and they fall in such a sweet way. The first sex scene between these two was just wonderfully written. It was fun and tender and while it was hot it was not super descriptive, it was just such an emotional scene you could really feel what the characters were feeling.

As with any relationship there are ups and downs and some exes cause some triouble but I loved how these two communicated and  worked things out and how well they really fit together. This book was another wonderully written and emotional story and I fell hard for Brooke and Michael.
Image may contain: one or more people, people sleeping, people sitting and text

About the Author

Well, let’s see ... I’m a wife and a mother. I’m a writer who wants to make people smile when they read my words. I own a dog that sheds roughly eighteen pounds of hair every day. I am obsessed with Outlander (both the books and the show). I’m almost exclusively a romance reader, which means some people will never consider me a literary snob. If I could meet one historical figure, it would be Jane Austen. I received my Bachelors in Public Relations and worked in health care marketing before I had my babies. I hate Twitter. I do it, but I hate it. Also, if you want to get on my good side, bring me wine and I'll love you forever.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Can’t Stop Lovin’ You Maverick Junction #3 By: Lynette Austin

About the Book

Maggie Sullivan can't wait to get out of Texas. Luckily, she just got the break she needed to make her big-city dreams a reality. But then Brawley Odell swaggers back into Maverick Junction, looking hotter than ever in his dusty cowboy boots and well-worn jeans. He's the guy she still dreams of at night. 

The guy who broke her heart when he left her behind.
Fed up with city life, Brawley jumps at the chance to return home and take over the local vet's practice—and get back to the smart, sassy woman he's never been able forget. He couldn't be prouder of Maggie's new wedding-dress business . . . until he realizes it may mean losing her all over again. Determined to win her back, Brawley must find a way to convince Maggie that their one true home is with each other.




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Brawley Odell figured his life wouldn’t be worth one plug-nickel the second he stepped foot inside Maggie’s shop. Too damn bad. He hadn’t driven the thirty miles from Maverick Junction to back out now. He was goin’ in.
After all this time, he’d come home…and she was leaving.
He grasped the brass knob and shoulder-butted the oak door. It flew open, the bell overhead jangling. Maggie Sullivan, all that gorgeous red hair scooped into a jumbled mass, stood dead-center in the room. Dressed in a skirt and top the color of a forest at twilight, she held a fuzzy sweater up in front of her like a shield. Those amazing green eyes widened as he stormed in.
“We need to talk.” He ignored the woman at the back of the store who flipped through a rack of tops.
“What the—?”
He held up a hand. “Don’t speak. Not yet.”
Her mouth opened, then closed.
Anger boiled in him, but he needed to find some modicum of control. Taking a deep breath, he held it for the count of ten, then slowly released it. “Did you plan on telling me?”
Her eyes narrowed, but she said nothing.
“You’re invited to New York City for a showing of your new line, and you don’t share that with me? I have to learn about it secondhand?”
“Last I heard this wasn’t about you, Brawley. In fact, my life, my business has absolutely nothing to do with you.”
His jaw clenched. “Anything that affects you is my business, Mags.”
She snorted. “Get real, Odell. You gave up any and all rights years ago.” Her head tilted. “Why are you even interested? You want to attend so you can show off your latest Dallas Cowboy cheerleader? Maybe order her trousseau?”
He shot her a deadly look, one that had made grown men back away.
Not Maggie. She actually took a couple steps toward him. The woman had no survival instincts. Another reason she had no business heading off to New York alone.
She tapped a scarlet-tipped finger on her chin. “Oh, that’s right. There’d be no trousseau for your honey, would there? Maybe a weekend-fling outfit for your date du jour? A one-night-stand set of lacy lingerie.”
“Shut up, Maggie.”
“Make me.” Her eyes flashed.
This time the look in his eyes must have warned her she’d treaded too close to the edge. She stepped back.
“You challenging me, Maggie?”
When she wet her lips, his gaze dropped to her mouth, followed the tip of her pink tongue as it darted out.
“Only one way I could ever get you quiet,” he said.
Her hand shot up. “Don’t even think about it.”
“No thought required. Been wanting to do this a long time now.” He closed the distance between them and dropped his mouth to hers. Fire. Smoke. Hell, a full-out volcanic eruption.

Addicted 2 Romance Review

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the series and I have read and loved every single story in this series. This book can stand alone though you might understand the story and some scenes better if you read the series from the begining. This is dress designer Maggie's story and well it is a fun one.

Maggie has lived in Maverick Junction her whole life and at a time when she would have gone off to college she was taking care of her sick grandma and then her grandfather after she died. IN that time she learned to be a dress designer and opened a very successfu dress store. One of her clients is the heroine from the first book and she helped get her noticed by a guy in NY who offered her, her own brand of clothing and fashion show.

The book opens up two weeks before she is moving to NY for her new job and with her childhood sweetheart Brawley, the new vet in town. He dumped her when she was 18 and has been dating super models in Dallas and is now home for good and so he wants to be with Maggie.

I LOVED that Maggie gives him a very hard time. She does not forgive him for 80% of the book and well I beyond loved that. She also goes to NY and we get to follow with her and her new life and I really loved that.

This book was a realy well written and enjoyable romance about a scond chance at love couple. Add in all their family and friends and I really loved this story. It was a realy wonderfu way for this series to end with all the chidhood friends getting their happily ever after.

Author Info

Lynnette Austin, a recovering middle school teacher, loves long rides with the top down and the music cranked up, the Gulf of Mexico when a storm is brewing, chocolate frozen custard, anything by Blake Shelton, Chris Young, and Thomas Rhett, and sitting in her local coffee shop reading and enjoying an iced coffee. She and her husband divide their time between Southwest Florida's beaches and Georgia's Blue Ridge Mountains. Having grown up in a small town, that's where her heart takes her—to those quirky small towns where everybody knows everybody...and all their business, for better or worse. Writing for Grand Central and Sourcebooks, she’s published twelve novels and is at work on a new series.


Friday, July 21, 2017

STUBBORN AS A MULE The Sex and Sweet Tea Series by Juliette Poe

About the Story

Down in Whynot, NC, there are three things that hold true: 1) life moves just a little bit slower, 2) family means everything, and 3) you don’t mess with history.

When his family decides to sell a home that’s been part of their history for over a century, Lowe Mancinkus is madder than a hornet. To add insult to injury, the woman who purchased it is some fancy pants, city girl looking to fix it up and sell it off. Doesn’t matter that she’s sexy as hell or that just being near her gets his blood racing like never before. That home belongs to his family, or at least it did until she came to town.

Well that just won’t do, now will it?

From the moment that she laid eyes on the historical home in rural North Carolina, Melinda Rothschild knew Mainer House was something special. The perfect escape from life in New York City, Melinda signed the papers and set to work restoring the house to its natural beauty. That is until an angry Lowe showed up on her doorstep one day. With a scowl on his handsome, chiseled face. And a shotgun in his strong, muscular arms.

Is it getting hot in here?

Melinda’s about to get a lesson on life in the south, but Lowe is about to learn a lesson of his own – this city girl doesn’t back down from a fight.


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“Looking good, Lowe Mancinkus,” I hear a woman call out as I stretch upward to paint the top of the frame around the window. Turning my head to look over my shoulder, I see Lynette Carnes getting ready to walk into Sweet Cakes across the street. She’s our town’s very own Daisy Duke. By that, I mean she struts around in miniscule jean shorts, high heels, and a sleeveless blouse tied off just underneath her very ample chest.
She’s definitely nice to look at, although she doesn’t have much going on above the cleavage.
“Morning, Lynette,” I call back. “Lookin’ good yourself.”
She grins and blows a kiss at me before walking into Larkin’s shop.
The front door opens and Mely steps out onto the porch, carrying a cup of coffee. There’s no doubt in my mind she witnessed that exchange from the other side of the doorway. It’s obvious by the pinched expression she has on her face. Still, she brings the coffee over to me and sets it on the porch rail.
“Thanks, darlin’,” I tell her as I go back to brushing paint over the layer of primer I’d put on a few hours ago. I’d decided to work half a day here at Mainer House, not because I was anxious to get the work done, but because I wanted to be around Melinda Rothschild.
She may not be strutting around in little shorts and a low-cut blouse, but she is most definitely a prettier picture than I’ve ever seen around these parts. She’s wearing a white sundress with a halter top, and her shoulders are lightly tanned with tiny freckles. Her legs are long, bare, and perfectly adorned with nothing more than a pair of simple white sandals. Her silky blonde hair is pulled away from her face at the top of her head and she looks like a breath of fresh air.
Mely leans against the porch rail, crosses her arms low under her breasts, and watches me work for a minute. I wonder if she likes what she sees.
I think so.
There was going to be another kiss last night if Morri hadn’t managed to ruin that little moment. And while I’d never stoop to mention this to Mely, I’m pretty sure he’d been hovering at the top of the stairs, just waiting to ruin it.
“Much better than hot pink,” Mely says as I continue to apply paint to the casing. I have no clue what the hell I was thinking when I painted her house pink. It was an attention getter and since the two people whose attention it got were Mely and Judge Bowe, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out I might have been pulling on her metaphorical pigtails a bit.
“I should have this finished by tomorrow,” I tell her. “Then all will be right again.”
“Odd since it took you a single night to do the damage,” she quips. I don’t look back at her, but I hear the laughter in her voice.
“Well, neon pink isn’t all that easy to cover up,” I tell her with a laugh.
She snickers and I can’t believe she was trying to get me thrown in jail last week. My how the mighty have fallen.
“When in Rome and all that,” Mely says and I turn to look at her from my perch on the ladder. She jerks her chin over her shoulder in the direction of Sweet Cakes. “Is that the standard southern girl uniform?”
Chuckling, I cut my eyes over to Sweet Cakes where sexy Lynette just disappeared into. I’m not about to tell Mely that I have actual carnal knowledge about that southern girl, even if it was back in my younger years.
Looking back to Mely, I take in her stylishly sweet dress that doesn’t reveal much but is still sexy at the same time. Giving her a wink, I say, “There’s nothing standard about you, Melinda Rothschild, so I’m advising you to stay away from that look. I think you’re mighty fine just the way you are.”

Addicted 2 Romance Review

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This story was so great, I beyond loved it. It is filed with southern love and cattiness, its sweet, funny and romantic. And Lowe, well I was not a fan in the first book but he is sooooooooo terrific in this book I fell very hard for him.

Mely/Melinda is portrayed negatively in the first book as a cold, haugty, NYer who buys the Mainer House and will probably flip it for a profit. But that is so not the reality and I loved how she fell in love with Whynot, its people and her house.

This was definitely a fun, flirty easy read. There is one misunderstand and some gossip but I laughed so hard at some scenes and I fell hard for every single one in this story except for Lowe's ex.

Lowe's family sold their family house to Melinda. Lowe tried to fight the sale but the house has sat empty for years and his family cannot afford it. Lowe holds protests and then paints it neon pink in protest. Which is how he ends up in court.

The verdict is he has to work 250 hours for Mely and help with restoring the house. This was a really wonderful hate to love story. These two fight it out until one day Lowe kisses her and then they both fall hard for the other. Both embrace love and fall for the other very sweetly. I loved how Mely's bestie hated Lowe and their practical jokes were a total hoot.

This story was beyond wonderful. I truly hated for it to end and I cannot wait for the next story.

About the Author

Juliette Poe is the sweet and swoony alter ego of New York Times Best Selling author, Sawyer Bennett.

A fun-loving southern girl, Juliette knows the allure of sweet tea, small towns, and long summer nights, that some of the best dates end sitting on the front porch swing, and that family is top priority. She brings love in the south to life in her debut series, Sex & Sweet Tea.

When Juliette isn’t delivering the sweetest kind of romance, she’s teaching her southern belle daughter the fine art of fishing, the importance of wearing Chucks, and the endless possibilities of a vivid imagination.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Seducing Lola by Jessica Prince

About the Story

Seducing Lola, an all-new romantic standalone from Jessica Prince is available NOW!!

I’ve had my fair share of bad relationships. I’ve dated liars, cheaters, shoe fetishists, and everything in between. Sure, these experiences would make any woman cynical when it comes to dipping her toe back into the dating pool, but I used my past for good and made a career out of helping other women avoid going down the same paths I had.

And I was damn good at it.

Until a random act of fate set my life on a course I’d been avoiding for years, and put me in the crosshairs of a man that made me feel things I swore to never feel again.

Now I’m in his sights and it seems like he’ll stop at nothing to seduce the hell out of me. He might hold my career in the palm of his hands, but if Grayson Lockhart thinks he can blackmail me into submission with his sexy voice and sexy hands and sexy everything, then he’s…probably right.



If you’d have asked my twenty-year-old self what I saw in my future ten years down the road, I probably would’ve answered the same way as every other naïve co-ed living the college dream on Sorority Row.

I’d be married to the love of my life, raising our two perfect children in the suburbs—because the city is no place to bring up a family, obviously—and driving a top-of-the-line SUV that all the minivan moms would envy because I had way too much style to ever be caught dead driving a minivan.

Clearly, my twenty-year-old self was an idiot.

It was she who forgave—then was subsequently dumped by—my college sweetheart after finding him pile-driving my sorority sister from behind on the handmade quilt I’d spent countless hours creating out of his old high school football T-shirts as a birthday present. His brilliant excuse?

 “You’re just not adventurous enough, Lola. She’s willing to try things in bed that you aren’t.”

Apparently refusing to allow him to film us having sex and entering it into a contest on a porn site was just too vanilla for him. Last I heard, he was making a killing on the amateur scene.

Unfortunately, my twenty-one and twenty-two-year-old selves weren’t all that smart either.

It was my twenty-one-year-old self who discovered I’d unwittingly been made a beard by Brad, the guy I had dated for six months, because his evangelical parents just “wouldn’t understand.”

BTW, Brad and Phillip’s wedding was a really lovely affair. He asked me to stand as his best woman—since he considered our relationship the reason he finally made his way out of the closet—but I turned down the honor, choosing instead to get annihilated on mojitos at the open bar.
My twenty-two-year-old self thought I had finally found a decent guy. That was until I came home to find him doing something I’ll never be able to unsee to a pair of Louboutins I’d spent the better part of a year saving up for.
The saddest part? I hadn’t even had a chance to wear them before his defilement. I didn’t have the heart to throw them in the trash, so I let him take them with him when I kicked his ass out.

I should’ve known better, honestly. It wasn’t like I’d grown up in a home with my very own personal June and Ward Cleaver. Oh no, my parents split when I was only six years old. And it was anything but amicable. My mom never kept her hatred for my father secret. And dear old Dad never hid the string of women he kept on tap, one for whatever mood he may’ve been in. It was shocking that I hadn’t grown bitter at an even younger age, having to deal with their drama, but I was in my early twenties and still a believer in happily ever afters.

Like I said, I was an idiot.

Now I know what you’re thinking. After three miserable failures, I was probably a jaded cynic who was convinced true love didn’t exist.
Well, you’d only be half right. See, I believed in love, sure… as long as it was happening to anyone other than me. I’d been the fateful target of that bastard Cupid’s stupid-ass arrow three times already; I had no desire to go for a fourth. I wasn’t anti-relationship when it came to other people. To each their own and all that jazz. And I didn’t hate men. I just didn’t believe they were of any use to me for anything other than a few hours of fun that eventually led to a—hopeful—mutual release before I sent them on their way. 

I learned from my mistakes, grown wise as the years passed. I knew exactly what I wanted out of my life, and believe me, there wasn’t a shitty picket fence in sight. If the suburbs were for families, then the city was exactly where I was meant to be. I was a successful, accomplished thirty-two-year-old woman who’d gotten where I was in life by hard work, perseverance, and the cluelessness of women all around the world.

My name was known in households all throughout Washington State. I, along with my two best friends, hosted Seattle’s most successful female-based talk radio show, aptly titled Girl Talk. I’d managed to make more money in the past ten years by offering relationship advice to helpless women than I’d ever know what to do with.

It was safe to say the rose-colored glasses were off. I lived in the real world where men cheated and women drowned their sorrows in vats of Ben & Jerry’s.

Sure, I wasn’t living the future I saw for myself when I was twenty, but then again, at twenty, I still thought Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were meant to be, that Wedding Crashers was cinematic brilliance, and that the whole Tom Cruise/Oprah couch jumping “I’m in love with Katie Holmes” thing was actually romantic. What the hell did I know back then?

A lot had changed over the years. And as I gazed out the floor-to-ceiling windows of my penthouse apartment, overlooking the Puget Sound, I could honestly say without a shred of doubt that I wouldn’t have it any other way.


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 Addicted 2 Romance Review

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This book was beyond wonderful. SUPER SUPER great and I have loved the authors other but this book was crazy, wonderful good. The best one definitely she has written.

It stars Grayson Lockhart and here is his family tree:
The father is Nolan and his wife is Cybil, the grandmother is Nana. Nolan runs a communication company with his two sons, Grayson and Deacon and Caleb is Gray's best friend, the CFO of their company and the brother from another mother.

Lola has a terrible father, a brother Dominic and a mother that drives her insane. Her and her two besties, Sophie and Daphne run a talk radio station show about dating which unknowingly is run by Nolan and his sons.

One day their show goes horribly wrong and Lola is forced to date Grayson and thats how they start dating. Gray is in lust with Lola but Lola is VERY anti relationships and well thats when the fun starts. throw in old exes, brothers, a swimming pool and things go wrong between these two. Will Gray end up with Lola or will Loa keep running? That is the question in this story.

This book was soooooo fun. I LOVED absoutely every second. I plan to re-read it a bunch of times it was that terrific. It was sweet, romantic and a total laugh riot. You have never met a character like Lola before and I beyond loved her.

I also loved all the side characters and their stories and I cannot wait for more in this series.

About the Author:

Born and raised around Houston Texas, Jessica spent most of her life complaining about the heat, humidity, and all around pain in the ass weather. It was only as an adult that she quickly realized the cost of living in Houston made up for not being able to breathe when she stepped outside. That's why God created central air, after all.

Jessica is the mother of a perfect little boy--she refuses to accept that he inherited her attitude and sarcastic nature no matter what her husband says.

In addition to being a wife and mom, she's also a wino, a coffee addict, and an avid lover of all types of books--romances still being her all time favs. Her husband likes to claim that reading is her obsession but she just says it's a passion...there's a difference. Not that she'd expect a boy to understand.

Jessica has been writing since she was a little girl, but thankfully grew out of drawing her own pictures for her stories before ever publishing her first book. Because an artist she is not.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Where I Need to Be - McKenna # 3 - By: Jamie Hollins

The Story

When heroin stole James Foley’s wife and destroyed his marriage, he poured all his energy into raising his young son and running his auto garage. There’s no room in his life for anything else until Megan McKenna walks into his shop. He finds it impossible to resist the sexy school teacher.

After an ugly divorce, Megan lost her home, her job, and a big chunk of her self-respect. With her posh lifestyle now a memory, she starts over by indulging in an unexpected fling with a hard-bodied mechanic.

What begins as something casual turns into something meaningful. But how can their relationship survive when it’s built on half-truths? 

James and Megan soon discover that being honest with themselves is just as important as being honest with each other. Only then will their relationship fire on all cylinders.



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This dinner suddenly became the worst idea Megan had ever had. What had possessed her to accept his invitation? This wasn’t a date, but it was bordering on inappropriate behavior. She was his son’s teacher, for Christ’s sake.
Just then, James sauntered into the office wearing a black Guns N’ Roses T-shirt and faded blue jeans.
“All set?” he asked.
Megan stood slowly. An apology for changing her mind was on the tip of her tongue when he smiled at her. It wasn’t a smile to be polite or cordial. It was an honest-to-God genuine smile that made him look ten years younger.
And it was mesmerizing.
One side of his mouth pulled a little higher than the other in a lopsided grin. But it was what it did to his eyes that made her forget what she’d been about to say. If she wasn’t careful, she’d lose herself in them.
His dark eyes actually twinkled. Not with mischief. Not with lust. But with an easy excitement that told her she’d be the dumbest woman in Chicago—maybe the whole country—for not having dinner with this man tonight.
She cleared her throat. “All set. Let’s go.” She hoped the smile she gave him wasn’t as wobbly as she felt.
James opened the door for her and then he locked up behind her. He tilted his head toward the side of the building and she followed, not bothering to stop her wandering eyes as she watched the way his ass moved in his jeans. He oozed sex appeal, and for the first time in her life, she reveled in the act of checking out a man.
In fact, she was so busy checking out James’s ass that she didn’t realize he’d stopped her beside a menacing black motorcycle. He opened up a saddlebag and pulled out a glossy black half helmet and handed it to her.
“We’re taking this?” she gaped.
“Yep.” He grabbed her purse and stowed it in the saddlebag before slamming it shut.
“But how am I supposed to ride on that in this skirt?”
She was beginning to panic a little at the thought of tearing her poor Stella McCartney pencil skirt. Not to mention holding on to James’s tempting body as they rode through the streets of Chicago.
He turned back to look down at the skirt in question and smirked. “Looks like you’ll have to hike it up a bit.”
He didn’t wait for a response from her. He swung his leg over his bike and turned the engine on. The loud, angry roar echoed off the surrounding buildings.
He kicked back the kickstand and stood the bike up. Leaning forward over the glossy black gas tank, he finally turned to where Megan stood frozen on the sidewalk.
“Hop on, sweetheart.”
She blinked. This was actually happening.
Ignoring the inappropriate endearment, she fumbled with her helmet until she had it on her head and strapped tightly. Taking the sides of her skirt, she quickly but carefully inched the material up her thighs. Thank God for the slit in the back, or this stunt wouldn’t be possible at all.
She placed one Manolo-clad foot on the footrest that James had snapped down for her. Keeping one hand on her skirt, she gripped his nearest shoulder and hoisted herself up before swinging her leg over the bike to the other footrest. She plopped down on the tiny seat with a graceless thump, feeling the impact vibrate up her spine from her tailbone.
James stood in front of her, allowing her a second to get comfortable, which was absolutely impossible on a seat the size of a shoe box with zero padding.
“You okay?” he yelled back to her over his shoulder.
“I think so,” she replied, hoping he heard her over the roar of the engine. She scooted back on the seat as far as she could to give him room to sit down.
He looked down at her lap, and she could tell he was trying not to laugh. “I mean this in the most gentlemanly way possible, but you’re gonna have to open up your legs some more so I can sit back on the seat.”
Megan hoped he couldn’t tell that her cheeks were now stained the same cherry red as her sweater. She did as she was told, and James managed to sit between her obscenely and inappropriately spread legs. His jeans felt rough against the insides of her thighs, and when he finally leaned back to a natural sitting position, her breasts touched the thin material of his T-shirt.
He looked down at both sides, checking to see that her feet were firmly on the footrests. She was showing more leg than a Rockette at Christmastime.
James revved the engine a couple times before they slowly inched off the sidewalk and to a stop at the traffic signal. She still felt her face burning with embarrassment as the unseasonably warm November air hit her cheeks.
When their light turned green, the bike’s acceleration was abrupt, causing her to tighten her arms around his hard midsection. She didn’t need to look in the side mirror to know that he was smiling. Again.

Addicted 2 Romance Review:

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This is the story of sister Megan Dempsey/McKenna, she is the sister of Sean and Ewan's cousin and we meet her in Chicago which is where she is now living. We meet her as she brings a clunker car to James' car shop.

James knows her as the wife of the hoity toity Niall Dempsey and so he doesn't treat her that great as well. Megan is now the pennyless exwife or her cheatng ex husband who has taken everything she had except her dignity. Megan is starting over from scratch, she has a new care, new job and is in the process of getting a new apartment.

I beyond LOVED Megan. Not many people would have what happened to her and never tell anyone namely her family. In fact for most of the book her parents don't know she is divorced. She is a tough cookie but also a sweetheart and she stole this entire book. Which is funny because the only thing she fears is letting down her family, which is why they don't know that she is divorced.

James is a single father with lots of guilt and the second time he sees Megan he finds out just what a jerk her ex is. I loved how he treated her ex. Then the next time he meets Megan it is at a parent teacher conference and that is when he really starts to see who Megan is and learn she is now single.

James is a really terrific character. He doesn't just charm Megan, he charms me too. He has not had an easy life but he has a super cute son and a really wonderful dad and he is not afraid to lean on his family.

He is the opposite of anyone Megan has met before and the two together work really well. At first glance they don't seem a lot alike but they have been majorly burned before by exes and James really helps Megan learn to deal with her new life and he is really there for her.

Together they have lots of HOT scenes and adventures and together they have to decide on what relationship they want. This is a story of two mature and strong people learning how to let the other one in and it was a really special story.

It is extremely well written and I really loved the entire story. It is the final story in the series and I am very sad because it was such a great series. This story is definitely my favorite of the 3 stories and it easily stands alone. Though if you read the other books some scenes will have more meaning to you as we get to see the characters from the other books future.

About the Author

Jamie Hollins was born and raised in rural Northeast Ohio.  After graduate school, she embarked on a perilous career in Human Resources where she met plenty of real life characters.  When she’s not writing or chasing after her toddler, she enjoys reading and golfing.  Jamie lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, son, and their dog, Winston.


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