Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Michael by Karla Sorensen

About the Book

Brooke Rossi knows how stay in control.

After all, finding herself a single mother to twins after her ‘allergic to responsibility’ ex-boyfriend left town has kinda set the bar for whatever might come her way. Except the day-to-day realities of single motherhood has her juggling in a way that she couldn’t anticipate, which is why she's one sleepless night away from a padded cell.

Her unexpected help comes in the form of Michael Whitfield, unrepentant flirt and alleged manwhore. Michael isn’t allergic to responsibility, but he does have a healthy aversion to commitment, until his relationship with Brooke. Their friendship is easy, until it’s not. They learn to walk a tight rope of restraint, choosing not to act on their attraction out of respect for the friendship they’ve built.

One scorching, clothes-free visit past the boundaries they put in place, and Brooke finds herself facing the most uncontrollable situation of all: risking her heart to a man who’s never had to take care of one before.

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Free in Kindle Unlimited


“Michael,” I said dumbly, like a big dumb idiot. “Wh-what are you doing here?”

Michael Whitfield was the kind of handsome that made me twitchy. It was easier to ignore when I’d been a whale of a pregnant person and he oh-so-kindly informed me that I held no appeal whatsoever to him because I was on the verge of single motherhood. Okay, fine, that wasn’t exactly what he said, but he’d been pretty clear that our relationship was platonic.

He smiled down at me, all straight blinding teeth and dark, scruffy face, the white t-shirt he wore underneath a dark gray hoodie stretched across his leanly muscular chest in a way that made me feel a little sweaty. “I’m the cavalry.”

“You are not.”

His eyebrows lifted at my snappish response, but no, no, nope, all the no in all the world. “I was with Julia when she got your text and they already had plans.”

I shifted Jacob in my arms and he peered around me at the tall, handsome man currently annoying his mommy. Well, he wasn’t annoying me, exactly. But I was annoyed in general and now Michael got to be my scapegoat. Yay for him. “Why didn’t she tell me that?”

Piper waddled over and gripped her chubby hands into Michael’s dark jeans. I was just about to apologize when he leaned over and picked her up with the kind of ease that had me speechless.
Effing speechless.

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Addicted 2 Romance Review

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This is book #4 in the series and what was so terrific about this story is it features all the previous couples in the story and we get to see more of their stories as well.

The only thing about this story I hated was that the last book in the series will only be out in the winter of 2018. I am not sure I can make it. It will be Tristan's story. Will it feature Anna? Well I hope not because in this story we see both their characters and I want Tristan to get someone really terrific and Anna has never seemed that great.

And now onto this story. This is Michael's book. Yep I know you know because of the whole title thing but it is more Brooke's book than Michael's in my honest opinion. We have met Michael throughout the series and he is the commitphobe, huge flirt and manwhore type of guy. In this book we discover who he is and who is, is a man who loves all women, treats them with respect and who has flings but he is not a manwhore. He was raised by a single mother and so he 100% respects nd loves women.

Brooke we met in the last book and in Cole's book she helped get her sister, Julia and Cole together. Now this story is her romance and an update on how she is doing with twin babies and no partner in sight. And that is where Michael comes in. He has a healthy respect for single moms and he starts to help Brooke out which also leads to him help her build a beauty parlour in her home so she can work from home.

As he works and builds her this office, well they get to know each other and they fall in such a sweet way. The first sex scene between these two was just wonderfully written. It was fun and tender and while it was hot it was not super descriptive, it was just such an emotional scene you could really feel what the characters were feeling.

As with any relationship there are ups and downs and some exes cause some triouble but I loved how these two communicated and  worked things out and how well they really fit together. This book was another wonderully written and emotional story and I fell hard for Brooke and Michael.
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About the Author

Well, let’s see ... I’m a wife and a mother. I’m a writer who wants to make people smile when they read my words. I own a dog that sheds roughly eighteen pounds of hair every day. I am obsessed with Outlander (both the books and the show). I’m almost exclusively a romance reader, which means some people will never consider me a literary snob. If I could meet one historical figure, it would be Jane Austen. I received my Bachelors in Public Relations and worked in health care marketing before I had my babies. I hate Twitter. I do it, but I hate it. Also, if you want to get on my good side, bring me wine and I'll love you forever.

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