Monday, October 8, 2018

Trusting You - Players to Lovers #1 - by Ketley Allison

About the Book


My best friend died tonight and her baby girl might be taken away from me, too, if I don’t find Lily’s father before she’s ripped out of my life and given to another family.

Unfortunately, I know who he is. He’s my best friend’s ex, and I hate him in memory and on sight.

I love this baby, but I don’t love him. Even if he does whatever it takes to make me trust him, and it seems he’s determined to do exactly that.

There’s just so little of my heart left, and I can’t—won’t—reserve any of it for that bastard, Lachlan Hayes.


A pro-football prodigy, success was laid out in golden dollar signs—until an injury so cringe-worthy it went viral laid me out for good.

Since then, I’ve discovered booze and sex, and I get both whenever I want.

Until a girl shows up at my literal doorstep, telling me about a baby I never knew I had.

As she looks at me with tears her eyes, I have a sick feeling my world is about to spin out again.

I’m in deep sh*t, because in no life plan did I think I’d raise a daughter, and I sure as hell didn’t think I’d fall in love with the woman that comes with her.

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“I’d better go,” I say.
“Yeah.” Locke waves us off. “Go. But make sure to come back, okay?”
I offer him a small, deflated smile as I push the stroller through the doorway. “I’m not going to abscond with your baby.”
“I don’t just mean the baby.”
The door’s almost shut, but I catch a glimpse of his face as he says it, and in those brief seconds, I detect nothing but irritation.
It makes no sense, his words coupled with his expression, but I’m coming to understand that about Locke. The conflict and layers and constant upkeep it takes for him to keep pretending everything in his life is okay.
I lift the stroller the way I saw Locke do it—surprised by the lightness—and descend the staircase sideways. Lily smacks at my face and tries to palm my nose. I blow a raspberry at her, but I’m thinking about the man I left behind, and how I’m coming to learn that sometimes, it’s not kindness I crave.
Seeing Locke angry is upsetting. But understanding its impact unearths a sexual lust coiled beneath my bones. 
I’m used to emotional charge. Usually in the rollercoaster form of grief, thinking everything will to be all right, like when the treatment’s working and Paige has more energy, before the crash of devastation when told there’s nothing more that can be done.
But this ride with Locke…the leap from anger to happiness to sweetness, then back to anger, in such a short amount of time, has me wanting to lift my dress and deal with the overdrive in an entirely different way. I want to straddle him, to massage and kiss and tame him.
I shudder as I drop Lily’s wheels to the ground.

I can keep looking forward to dinner. 

About the Author 

Ketley Allison has always been a romantic at heart. That passion ignited when she realized she could put those dreams into words and her soul into characters. Ketley was born in Canada, moved to Australia when she was thirteen, to California when she was twenty, and finally to New York to attend law school, but most of that time was spent sitting in coffee shops and wine bars thinking of her next book.

Her other passions include coffee, wine, Big Macs, her cat, and her husband, possibly in that order.

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This book was just so different than I have read before. It takes star crossed would be lovers and turns them into enemies and then roomies and makes them bond over the love of a child. But Locke has some big secrets and as all secrets it blows up in his face.

Carter at the start of this book has lost her best friend but she has her best friends daughter. Until she doesn't. That is why Carter goes after Locke to get the child she loves out of Foster care. Locke and Carter went to college together and he was and still is a manwhore. Until the day Carter tells him he is a dad.

In this story we watch him grow up and become a father and it was rather special watching that. He has some big secrets in relation to Carter's best friend and so you know that is going to blow up and when it does I really enjoyed the fireworks. I love Carter's character. She loves with her whole heart and I loved watching her come to see who Locke is and help him grow up.

This was a wonderful story about a single dad who becomes one overnight and the woman that falls for him and loves his child. I cannot wait for the next book in the series about Locke's sister.

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