Tuesday, January 29, 2019

HOLLYWOOD PLAYBOY by Natasha Madison



An entertainment journalist was the last thing I thought I would be doing. I thought once I got my degree, I would be reporting on stories that made a difference, but now all I do is report on who broke up with who and who is dating who. I was over it. Then I got my next assignment. He’s Hollywood’s bad boy. He works hard, and he plays even harder. He’s rude, he’s condescending, and he’s made it known he doesn’t want me on the tour. With one month on the road with him, two things might happen One, I may never work in this industry again. Two, I may just be like everyone else and fall for Hollywood’s Playboy.    






When her nose isn't buried in a book, or her fingers flying across a keyboard writing, she's in the kitchen creating gourmet meals. You can find her, in four inch heels no less, in the car chauffeuring kids, or possibly with her husband scheduling his business trips. It's a good thing her characters do what she says, because even her Labrador doesn't listen to her... 

I absolutely LOVED this story...LOVED. Like I want to re-read it again. And that is saying a lot because it took me a while to really start liking the characters. Both of them were kinda jerks to each other but when they finally call a truce well that's when I fell in love with them.

Tyler is our Hollywood leading man and playboy. He HATES Jessica with a passion. He thinks she is a very bad reporter and does not always check her facts. Meanwhile Jess thinks Tyler is a class A jerk with talent in movies but she really hates him and tries to avoid him at all costs.

There is a 3rd character in this story and she is Cassie, Tyler's assistant and know that she is a character you are meant to hate. I loved how Jess treats her and how she gets Tyler to cut her out of things at times.

This story was amazing and the other thing I gated was that it ended. I would love a 2nd book in the series about Tyler and Jess because I felt there was so much more I still wanted to explore with them. That said the book ends so wonderfully and I loved the whole journey for both of them from hate to love. The author did an amazing job making these two characters really grow.

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