Monday, February 4, 2019

For Emery by J. Nathan


I’ve loved Jordan Grady since I was eight. 
Since he became my protector.
Since he became my safe haven each night. 
But I was younger.
Off limits...
Until high school when he finally kissed me. 
And for a few fleeting moments, everything was right in the
Then I was forced to do the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do...
Disappear from his life without a trace.

I’m Alabama’s star right tackle—and a real prick. 
I live my life by a few solid truths.
Life isn’t fair.
Don’t let anyone get too close.
And those who claim to care about you can up and leave. 
But you know what they say about things that disappear….
But Emery Pruitt had never been mine.
Even if she had returned after four years.
And more beautiful than the night she vanished.
But it didn’t erase the fact that she’d left me.
So, why find me now?

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Emery stood there, her eyes dancing with amusement. Her skinny jeans and sparkly black tank top made her fit in with the rest of the girls in the crowded bar. But she wasn’t just any girl. “What’d you do?” 
My eyes narrowed. 
She ticked her head over her shoulder. “To make her ditch you in the middle of the dance floor?” 
“I told her I wasn’t taking her home with me.” 
Emery stared at me, her brows drawn. “Why not? Isn’t that what you college football players do? Get girls to go home with you?” 
I shrugged. “Not sure. You wanna come home with me?” 
She laughed and her entire face lit up like it did when we were younger. And that right there. That was the reason the other girl wasn’t coming home with me. She didn’t look at me like Emery did. 
The thought hit me hard, nearly leveling me. 
I wanted to be looked at the way Emery looked at me—like she saw the real me. I deserved that. 

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Author Bio

J. Nathan is the author of new adult and sports romances with cocky heroes and sassy heroines. When she's not writing, she's a total romance junkie! Add an alpha male who's unlikable in the beginning...even better. She loves guys in backward hats, country music, the summertime, and her amazing family and friends.

Emery falls in love with our male lead, Grady when she is 8 and he is 11. We get to see them grow up together and that was my favorite part of this story. Her step father is an abusive jerk and Grady tries to protect her as they are neighbors and best friends.

At 15 her mother grabs her and runs away but they fear the step father and so they go away in hiding. That is where this story starts as Emery is 19 and Grady is 21 and they both are now attending Alabama State where Grady plays football and goes to college.

I loved both characters and when the book starts Grady is a BIG jerk. Emery is very sad about the changes in her best friend and it does not help that she is friends with Grady's rival on his football team. But Grady wants Emery and so he grows up a lot and they get their friendship back and he wants a romantic relationship with her.

This was sweet and fun college romance between two best friends who missed each other. They are both in love with the other but time was their enemy and now its time for them to find a way to move on with each other. I really loved it and I loved all the characters in this story.

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