So much so that she agrees to do the stupidest thing ever.
A stranger photo shoot.
You know the type.
The photographer takes photos of two individuals.
Two individuals that, until that day, have never met in their life.
The moment she shows up at the photo shoot, she knows that she made a terrible decision.
Because the total stranger about to be in an intimate photo shoot with her is the hottest thing that’s ever walked the streets of Kilgore, Texas.
If not the entire US of A.
Adam wasn’t sure why the hell he agreed to something so stupid.
Call it temporary lapse of sanity.
When the photographer who shot his photo for the Kilgore Police Department’s benefit calendar asked him for a favor, he couldn’t say no. Not without looking like a jerk seeing as it was benefiting the Fallen Officer Foundation that he played a rather large part in.
Whatever it was that made him agree, he quickly realizes that it’s not worth it. Not when he walks into the studio and sees the massive bed with blood-red sheets dominating the middle of the room.
So uncomfortable he is at the sight, he’s about to head straight out the door and not look back when she walks in.
Amelia steals his breath away with just one glance, and all of a sudden, getting this stranger into his arms with his mouth on hers sounds like the best idea ever.
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Meet Lani Lynn Vale

Lani Lynn Vale is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author of over thirty titles. She is married with three children, two dogs, to cats, a donkey, and a couple (a couple meaning over twenty) chickens.
She hails from the Great State of Texas.
When she's not writing, you can find her curled up in her favorite chair reading.
Connect with Lani Lynn Vale
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This was an awesome story with a bit of fate, insta love/lust and family connections.
When Adam and Amelia meet at their friend Avery's house for a photo shoot all they know is that they are trying to help Avery with an assignment for school. They both fall hard for each other but Amelia has a controlling father and brother and so she is unsure about adding Adam, an Alpha to the mix as well.
In a way Amelia is undercover and so Adam does not realize who she is and who she is related to. Her Father is Silas McKenzie (Counter To My Intelligence) and she has two big brothers, Sebastian (Lights To My Siren) and Sam (Boomtown). That is until one Sunday! and I am not saying anything else because it was the best scene in the book.
This was such a great story and it was so much fun. Amelia is a fun loving, independent woman and I absolutely adored her. Adam is her perfect match and I loved their history with each other and their families.
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