Monday, May 15, 2017

Swear - Landry Family #4 - by Adriana Locke


About the Story

Ellie Pagan has a list of reasons to stay away from Ford Landry. It’s a mile long and was so much easier to stick to when he was a world away. Now that he’s standing in front of her—body hard and chiseled from a stint in the military, suit cut to perfection, and a smirk she could never resist—remembering all the reasons why just got a whole lot harder. 

Ford gets Ellie isn’t his biggest fan. He just doesn’t care. Standing in front of him, giving him hell, she’s even prettier than he remembered. All he can think about is how she felt in his arms, the taste of her kiss, the sound of her giggle in the middle of the night. He may not know how to win her back, but he does know this: he may have let her go once, but that’s one mistake he won’t make again. 


Our breathing quickens, the blues of his eyes growing stormy. A chill tears through me as he accidentally-on-purpose brushes his arm against mine. It’s like muscle memory, my body remembering exactly what to do around his.
My knees dip, my mouth waters, and I fight the ache in between my thighs as he looks down at me like it’s me he wants for dinner.
“What if I throw breakfast in afterwards?” he prods. “Does that make me, I mean it, more appetizing?”
That’s all it takes, that one little hint of arrogance, that brings me back to reality.
I flip him a smile. “It makes it less, actually.”
His own smile wavers. “I get that you probably hate me.”
“You’re right. I do.”
“I want the chance to explain.”
“You have the same chances of getting the chance to explain as I do of getting what every woman wants.”
“What’s that?”
I lean in, like I’m going to tell him a secret. Whispering, I say, “Being able to eat all the pizza and not gain an ounce.”
Turning on my heel, I head to the back as his chuckle fills the room. “That was good. I’ll give you that.”
I shrug and keep walking.
“You can at least let me apologize.”
The authority in his tone, like I owe him something, stops me in my tracks. I whirl around to face him. “You don’t deserve a chance to apologize to me.”
“I didn’t say I deserved it,” he says earnestly. “But I would love the opportunity to do so.” He forces a swallow, my eyes glued to his lips. “I would appreciate the chance to get to see you again.”
The snicker that comes from me is unexpected by both of us. “So charming. I forgot how good you are with words.”
“Does that mean that’s a yes?”
“That means that’s a no,” I smile. “That means I’m not about to let you come in here and look at me with those bright blue eyes and make me forget what it felt like to have you rip my heart out.”
He flinches. “I didn’t mean to do that, Ellie.”
“Don’t act surprised,” I laugh angrily. “There’s no way you thought I just went on with my life after you left. I dated you for four years, Ford. And after what we went through …”
It’s me gulping now, the anger so palpable that I almost have tears in my eyes. My hands shake as I remember the fight that ensued after he told me he was enlisting.
“You left me,” I repeat, shaking my head. “So leave me again. There’s the door. Should I hold it open for you this time?”

Addicted 2 Romance Review:

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

I have read this entire series and up until now Barrett was my favorite. Not anymore, now I am a Ford girl. I loved Ford before, but in this book he is hot, sweet and romantic and he fights for the girl he has always loved.

Ellie fights against him. They grew up together and were high school sweethearts but she felt he dumped her and ran away when she needed him the most to go in the military. Now its ten years later and she is opening a new business in town and she meets  Mallory (from the previous book) who decides to matchmake for Ellie and Ford.

The results are not pretty and I loved that Ellie makes Ford really work hard for it. I also loved how we get to see all the Landry's. We see Dani and Linc's baby being born and let me tell you it was so sweet I felt like crying. This book is big on romance and family and I really love that about the series.

In this book we get 2 weddings and a baby and I not telling you whose weddings. We also have a funeral and let me tell you that funeral really brought out my emotions. Half the time reading this book I cried, sighed at the romance and love and other times I just well loved it. It was a wonderful story with lots of ups and downs.

I liked that Ellie really has to work hard at not just forgiving Ford for the past but also to learn to really trust him. This story has ALOT of Landry's and we really start to get to know the girls in this story, which I loved.

This is a story that is really big on family and what that really means. From times of great joy to times when you really need to pull together. I really adored this book and I think its really one of the best in the series.

About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Adriana Locke lives and breathes books. After years of slightly obsessive relationships with the flawed bad boys created by other authors, Adriana has created her own.

She resides in the Midwest with her husband, sons, and two dogs. She spends a large amount of time playing with her kids, drinking coffee, and cooking. You can find her outside if the weather's nice and there's always a piece of candy in her pocket.

There is a giveaway for a signed paperback of Swear and 2 x $10 Amazon gift cards (3 winners):


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