Monday, November 18, 2019

Jilted: Nico & Sophie by Tess Thompson

IT'S LIVE! Grab Jilted: Nico & Sophie by USA Today bestseller Tess Thompson TODAY!
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Despite being young and romantically inexperienced, Sophie Woods is an old soul who believes in true love, working hard at her bar, and always trusting her instincts. And from the moment she meets Nico, she knows without a doubt that he is her one-and-only. Twelve years her senior, the handsome architect is only sure of two things when it comes to Sophie: she’s far too young for him, and he wants no part in upsetting her protective older brother.
Broke and broken, Nico Bentley moves to Cliffside Bay for a fresh start at both work and play. But in a cruel twist of fate, it’s the one woman he can’t have whose captivating smile makes him forget all about his past. Yet when tragedy turns the vivacious Sophie into a shell of her former self, it will be Nico, and only Nico, who steps up to bring the joy back into her life. And in the process, the depth of his feelings for her can no longer be ignored.
In this installment of USA Today bestselling author Tess Thompson’s beloved Cliffside Bay Series, return to the small town that warms your heart and take a trip halfway across the world to discover hope, healing, and the importance of happiness.

About Tess

Tess Thompson is a USA Today bestselling author of small-town romance and historical fiction, with nearly 20 titles across multiple series that focus on heartwarming journeys of triumph and humanity for colorful characters you'd love to be friends with in real life.
Tess holds a degree in theater from the University of Southern California (go Trojans!), and can be found most days at her desk in suburban Seattle, where she also makes her home with the hero of her own love story and their blended family of two sons, two daughters, and five cats.
Tess loves music, dancing, books, bubble baths, cooking, wine, movies, snuggling, Seahawks football, and hearing from her readers. Drop her a line at
Find Tess Online!
Before I begin I want to share that this book was hijacked by a supporting character, Mrs. Judi Coventry. She is absolutely my favorite character in this story and I hope to see her again in another story, she was my absolute favorite character in this entire series and she made this book.
This is primarily Sophia's story. Sophie is Maggie and Zane's long lost sister. She was thought dead and then discovered as alive in Maggie's book and she is very young, just 22 years old and she helped her brother Zane and his wife, Honor have a child in their story. Now we finally get her story.
A few books ago Nico Bentley came to town and he is best friends with Trey. He is 34 and  a very broken man, he has never felt love by his parents and his fiancée left him for her best friend another woman. He is sad, unloved and depressed and while he is best friends with Sophie he feels she will leave him behind as well especially because she is so young.
In this story we get to hear from Hugh as Sophia reads his diary and we see who he was and how much he loved his kids. We also get to see Nico's pain. Its a story about Instalove, friendship and the love of our parents. The author did a stunning job in showing how afraid of love Nico is.
To some degree Nico who I loved up to this book was a BIG coward. He had some awesome and brave moments so its hard to complain about that. But the biggest risk is love and at times he was very cowardly about it. Once he comes around, I wanted to see more of him and Sophia dating and their love story, and so I wish this book had been longer for that reason.
I also LOVED Jad. I loved how he helped Sophia make Nico jealous at times. He definitely deserves a story of his own.

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