Sunday, November 10, 2019

Perky By Julia Kent




One hundred years ago when I was young and impulsive (okay, it was five, alright? Five years ago...) I let my boyfriend take, let's just say... compromising pictures of me.

(Shut up. It made sense at the time).

Surprise! The sleazy back-stabbing jerk posted them on a website and, well, you can guess what happened. That's right.

I'm a meme. A really gross one.

You've seen the pictures. And if you haven't - don't ask. And don't look!

As face recognition software online improves, I get tagged on social media whenever anyone shares my pictures. You try getting a thousand notifications a day, all of them pictures of your tatas.

So. I'm done.

It's time for revenge. Let him see how it feels! But how do you get embarrassingly intimate pictures of your jerkface ex who double-crossed you five years ago?

Especially when he's a member of the U.S.House of Representatives now?

Getting sweet between the sheets with a congressman is pretty much every political roadie's dream, right? I'm one in a crowd.

Except to this day, he swears he didn't do it. Pursued me for months after I dumped him five years ago. Begged me to take him back.

And I almost did it. Almost. I was weak and stupid and in love a hundred years ago.

Okay. Fine. Five.

But I still have the upper hand. Second chance romance has all the emotional feels, doesn't it?

I can't wait to punch him in the feels.

All I need to do is sleep with him once, take some hot-and-sweaty pics of him in... delicate positions, and bring him down. That's it. Nothing more.

Pictures first. Revenge after. And then I win.

At least, that's how it was supposed to happen. But then I did something worse than sexting.

I fell in love with him. Again.

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Parker’s grasp as we kiss is masterful, his hips pivoting until we’re in a tiny closet, the door shutting behind us, our bodies surrounded by coats. At any second, someone could walk in, find us, interrupt and embarrass us, but I don’t care as my fingers grasp his thick, hard chest. He doesn’t care as his hand slides between my thighs, my need to be touched so great that I moan into his mouth, biting his lip. He makes a sound that says he needs this, too, his erection pressing into my hip, the centering of his thickness as he nudges my legs wider with his knee making me hold my breath as he rubs up, just once, just right, just there.
“I’ve missed you,” he hisses as his mouth takes my earlobe, sucking gently, then hard, the tip of his tongue flicking and laving, my clit spasming as it imagines him doing this between my legs. My fingertips dig into his shoulders, one hand diving down the length of his abs until I cup his sac, then ride the ridge of my palm up his long, thick, engorged–
“What are we doing, Parker?” I gasp.
“Whatever we want,” he says, so steady, so sure, so unabashedly here.
“SKIP?” someone calls out from behind the door.
“PERKY?” Mallory whisper-yells, her voice breaking through as I clench, my whole body going tight, the core of me shivering with an orgasm that crashes over me as Parker’s leg, his mouth, his very presence, make me lose my everloving mind.
And all my self-control.
Every shred of it.

Also Available

A FREE prequel to Fluffy



Author Bio

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire). She lives in New England with her husband and three sons in a household where the toilet seat is never, ever, down.

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This is book 2 in a series and the 1st book I have ever read by this author. There is a 3rd book coming out in January 2020 and so I wanted to read this story so I could catch up on the series. This book is about Persephone aka Perky and it is told 100% in her voice.
Perky has been single for 5 years after an awful break up with her then live in boyfriend of  months when a pic of her and her naked boobs were published on the internet. She has blamed her ex, Parker who after she dumped him went to be a Congresssman.
Now 5 years later her bestfriend Mallery is getting hitched and she sees Parker at a pre-rehearsal dinner for the first time in 5 years. And so starts the hijinks in this story.
As a first time reader the story was easy to follow and I really enjoyed it. But I wanted to hear Parker's side and we only get Perky's. I also found some of the names of characters, not the nicknames but their real names kinda strange. And a strange name here or there is expected but it was many different characters. And my last complaint was that Mal, Perky and Fionas antics sometimes got WAY too much for me and I skimmed those pages. They were not important to the plot but maybe was intended for humor or to show how quirky I don't know but they were easy to skim and get to the scenes that featured Parker and Perky.
The scenes with Parker and Perky I absolutely adored but I would love to have gotten to see them together more than rather just a very short epilogue. I did enjoy the story and P and P and am excited to read about Fiona and Fletch.

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