Friday, November 1, 2019

Violets are Not Blue by Melissa Toppen



Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Forget everything good you’ve been told about love, because none of it’s true.
You don’t agree?
Spend a day in my shoes and you’d curse love too.

My name’s Blue.
Yes, you read that right. Blue Daniels.
And I hate love.
I despise every single thing about it.
In my thirty-two years on this earth it has brought me nothing but heartbreak and disappointment.
Love is a void. Something we’re taught we need if we want to live a happy and fulfilled life.
Well I disagree.
Some say I’m a cynic. Other’s call me the smartest woman they’ve ever met.
But no matter what anyone says, I know what I need. And love is not it.

Enter Harris Avery.
A man who thinks he can have anyone he wants, including me.
A man who reminds me daily why I swore off love in the first place.
He walks around the office like he owns the place, throwing that sexy smirk of his at every female he passes. He thinks no one is immune to his charm.
But poor Mr. Avery has never met a girl like me before.
I’m more likely to throw myself off a bridge than at his feet.

There’s just one problem…
He’s decided to make it his mission to prove me wrong.
To that I say, let the games begin…

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Author Bio

Melissa Toppen is a Reader's Choice Award Winning and Bestselling Author of New Adult and Contemporary Romance. She is a lover of books and enjoys nothing more than losing herself in a good novel. She has a soft spot for Romance and focuses her writing in that direction; writing what she loves to read. 

Melissa resides in Cincinnati Ohio with her husband and two children, where she writes full time.

Author Links

This was the first time I read this author and I LOVED this story so much. It is sweet, HOT and romantic and has a wonderful set of characters. It stars Harris, who is a bit of a manslut and flirt but is excellent at his job. He has a major crush on Blue, who works at the same company but who he was told to stay away from.

One night he decides to hit on her and see where things go and that is when they make a bet. He agrees to no sex for 30 days and he says she will fall in love with him in the next 30 days. These two then develop a friendship that was super fun to see.

Who wins the bet and do they make it 30 days I am not spoiling....but this was a super fun, flirty and well written story. I absolutely loved every character in this story and the wonderful storyline.

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