Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Drake - Pittsburgh Titans, #5 - By Sawyer Bennett (Drake and Brienne)


Drake McGinn turned his back on hockey after the league betrayed him. Will the Titans be his chance to clear his name and take back the career he once loved?

After I made the decision to divorce, my ex-wife set out on a smear campaign against me, telling anyone who would listen that I was betting on hockey and throwing games. It wasn’t surprising that my ex told the lies, but the fact that the media, league, and fans chose to believe her baseless claims was unforgivable. I walked away from it all and never looked back.

Having settled into life as a single dad to three boys, I’m content. I have more money than I could ever need, and plenty of time to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and whoever I want. So when Brienne Norcross, the team owner for the Pittsburgh Titans, shows up at my house with a job offer, I have no problem turning her down. But the no-nonsense billionaire, with sinfully seductive red lips and killer heels that would look hot as hell thrown over my shoulders, won’t take “no” for an answer.

 Now I need to find balance between hockey, my boys, and the explosive chemistry Brienne and I can no longer deny. A cast-off hockey player and the league’s only female team owner? I can think of a million reasons why it could never work but can’t bring myself to care about a single one of them. Game on.

 All books in the Pittsburgh Titans series can be read as standalones. 

See the entire series here: https://sawyerbennett.com/bookstore/the-pittsburgh-titans-series/

Download Drake: A Pittsburgh Titans Novel

 Amazon: https://amzn.to/33XXdlU  

 Google: https://bit.ly/35JNXTe

 Kobo: https://bit.ly/3BYw0fF

 Print: https://amzn.to/3tqVbEi

 Buy the digital and signed paperback direct from Sawyer Bennett: https://bit.ly/SB_Drake

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New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author Sawyer Bennett uses real life experience to create relatable stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From contemporary romance, fantasy romance, and both women’s and general fiction, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone. A former trial lawyer from North Carolina, when she is not bringing fiction to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to her very adorable daughter, as well as full-time servant to her wonderfully naughty dogs. If you’d like to receive a notification when Sawyer releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter (sawyerbennett.com/signup).

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I received a complimentary early release e-book prior to release and am voluntarily leaving a review.

This is the book we have all been waiting for and it was different than I was expecting. Not in a bad way but I found it a bit darker than the other books in the series. At times I kind of hated Drake and if I had been me, I would have dumped him, but Brienne really falls for the guy and gives him so many chances.

Drake and Brienne have both been featured throughout this series, from the very first book. This was a great opportunity to get in their heads and really get to know each character. 

Both characters have been devastated and their hearts are pretty broken. Brienne lost her beloved brother, Adam.  Drake lost the wife he married to drugs, his reputation and job to rumors his ex-started about him. Brielle had lots of money, a hockey team and a company to run while Drake had his three sons, a sister and a mother. 

Both are really hiding from life. Brienne uses her work and Drake uses his sons. Honestly, I thought they both could use a good therapist. But instead, they decide to distract each other with a very hot and secret fling. I felt this story was much darker than the other books in the series. One reason was these two are in so much pain and instead of facing it they have hidden from it and tried to move on. 

I loved Brienne. She is a very strong and independent woman. She has her first friend in Jenna, and I watched her get involved with other women who we met in other books. Drake at times treats her beyond badly. He is rude and mean and snippy and even disrespectful. I liked that when that happens, she freezes Drake out and chooses not to ignore it. But I felt that the things he said and did were pretty awful and I would have not forgiven him. But the heart wants what it wants and so we get to see inside Brienne's heart and it's just so huge and forgiving. 

I enjoyed this story but if Drake had been sitting here in living room, I would have given him a good kick because he was a huge jerk to Brienne. Brienne is such a warm and wonderful woman while also being independent and strong. She really is this huge inspiration and I absolutely adored her.

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