Friday, February 11, 2022

NOW ON SALE! The Plan by Karla Sorensen


Have you ever fake dated your bodyguard? I don't recommend it. 


Especially if he's anything like Erik Wilder: former football player, world class know-it-all and unapologetic grump. 


To be clear, I didn't want a bodyguard (hence the fake dating idea). Most days, I can’t figure out why he wants the job either. We drive each other insane, probably because we’re as opposite as two people can be. 


He’s suspicious, never talks about his past and has the comfort skills of a cactus. I’m a happily ever after kinda girl who knows exactly what she wants out of life. 


Erik’s words might say that the lines have to stay firm between us, but those dark eyes of his? They tell another story when he looks at me. 


He’s just as stubborn as I am, but when our fake dating plan starts to feel a lot more real, it's only a matter of time before his professional walls come crashing down.  

I just have to hope my heart doesn't get buried in the rubble.

Grab Your Copy Here!



Meet Karla Sorensen

Well, let’s see ... I’m a wife and a mother. If the things that I write bring a smile to someone's face, then I've done my job.  

I am obsessed with Outlander (both the books and the show). I’m almost exclusively a romance reader, which means some people will never consider me a literary snob. 

If I could meet one historical figure, it would be Jane Austen. I received my Bachelors in Public Relations and worked in health care marketing before I had my babies. 

I hate Twitter. I do it, but I hate it. Also, if you want to get on my good side, bring me wine and I'll love you forever. 

Connect with Karla Sorensen

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I received a complimentary early release copy of this e-book from the author prior to release and am voluntarily leaving a review.

 This is Lydia's story, she is the daughter of Allie and Luke Pierson, and she is going to run the Washington Wolves football team when her mom retires. She is young, age 22 but extremely mature and up until she had a car accident she was doing extremely well. 

In this story we meet Eric Wilder, a former football player,  who is 30 (yeah its a big age gap), but in this story its a very minor thing since Lydia is so mature. He is hired to be Lydia's bodyguard, driver, and companion after a very bad car accident has left her fearful to leave the house.

They become friends and very close to each other and this is very much a slow burn story. Lydia really grows up and decides what she wants her future to be as she starts getting out into the world again. She starts seeing her friends, the life she led and where and what she wants her future to be and gets serious about it. 

I loved Lydia so much. She is strong and smart and one tough cookie. She works hard and uses her brain and while she has money and a great family, her heart is also so open and vulnerable that I adored her so much.

Erik I had a tougher time with because he is a runner. When life gets hard or complicated he runs. I think that Lydia in this book really saw that and understood that about him. She even accepts it and when he needs space she gives it to him but she still keeps up contact with his family while she lets him work it out in his head and heart.

This story is a bit of a beauty and the beast retelling. I did enjoy it and I loved seeing Allie, Luke, Faith and Dominic. I also adored watching Lydia and how she really grows and changes in this book and how supportive her family is of her through everything.


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