Sunday, May 12, 2024

FREE IN KU! MEANT FOR HER - Meant for Series Book 2 - by Natasha Madison (Christopher Stone and Dakota)


Why you need to #ONECLICK this book:
๐Ÿ’Hockey Romance

๐Ÿ’‹Enemies to Lovers


๐Ÿ’‹Single Mom 

๐Ÿ’Forbidden Romance 

๐Ÿ’‹He Falls First 


๐Ÿ’‹Second Chance at Love 

๐Ÿ’Emotional Scars



I came from the biggest hockey family in the NHL. Records were set by my grandfather, my father, and now my brother. I was taught to love the game, but more than that, I learned early the men you play with are your family. You get on the ice every night and protect them, celebrate the wins, and pick each other up when you fall. So when we lost Benji, I stepped in to help his wife and kids, but this pull I feel when it comes to them is something more than I can even understand. 


 My life was perfect, until it wasn’t. Gone was the husband I thought I knew and in his place was a stranger. I saw him change before my eyes. Then he was gone, leaving me and our girls alone. I wanted nothing to do with anyone or anything that took him away from me. But no matter how many times I’ve told his best friend I don’t need help. He’s here doing things for us, and the worst part is, I want him to.

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Available in KU 


Meet Natasha Madison
When her nose isn’t buried in a book, or her fingers flying across a keyboard writing, she’s in the kitchen creating gourmet meals. You can find her, in four inch heels no less, in the car chauffeuring kids, or possibly with her husband scheduling his business trips. It’s a good thing her characters do what she says, because even her Labrador doesn’t listen to her…

Connect with Natasha Madison:

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I received a complimentary early release e-book prior to release and am voluntarily leaving a review.

This book is really Dakota's story. She is paired with Christopher Stone, but he is along for the ride, it is really her story. From miserable married mom with a horrible husband to widowhood and single motherhood. This is her journey, and the author did an amazing job showing us her journey. 

It deals with some really serious issues like drug abuse, cheating, strippers, depression, and a parent dying, guilt, pain and widowhood. I love that the author took us on the journey with Dakota/Koda with her as she learns how to heal.  

This book was a real diversion for the author as she created this horrible man and husband in Benji. Then she has him die in a terrible way and his poor family is left dealing with this huge loss, though he maybe had been gone for a long time, even before he dies in the book.

Koda is the one who finds him one morning and she tries hard to protect her two little girls from not only the way he dies but even the memory of him. But she has ALOT of anger and part of that anger is for her father-in-Law and also for Christopher and Benji's friends and teammates who just stood by while he self-destructed and didn't lift a finger to help. So, this story starts off as an enemy to lovers' type of story because Christopher is not her friend at the start of this book. 

I loved that she starts to look for mental health help and she manages to find a job and I loved how Christophers family helps with that. As time goes by, we get to see who she is when she is not buried underneath anger, sadness and mourning of what could have been. And I loved that no matter if she loved or blamed Christopher, he always stood by her side. 

The romance aspect of the story kicks in the later half of the story and the author brought it in very slowly so it's a bit of a slow burn. I loved how she brought in previous characters into this book as they had experience in the area of drug abuse and losing someone you love. 

While this was a huge departure for the author from her typical romance/sports romances, I think she wrote a simply wonderful and amazing story about healing and love and the strength of family and friends in supporting each other in both the good and bad times and coming out the other side to find love and happiness waiting for you.

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