Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Desk Banger by K.S. Rochell


What happens when your boss catches you making scans of your butt instead of the case files he asked you for?

Any normal boss would fire you right on the spot before you can even explain yourself.
But mine asked to see the pictures in color.

Nicholas’s Brighton is one of the best attorneys of my generation.
Somehow though, he's more known for being New York's hottest bachelor.

Not like I have any time to drink in his features with all the work he's assigned me.
The man is such a mean and demanding jerk... but somehow that only makes him more irresistible.

If things keep going this way I'm not sure if he's either going to fire or f*ck me.
And I definitely know which one I'd prefer.

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Author Bio

K.S. Rochell is a rabid reader turned blogger turned author. This feisty Texas native loves her book boyfriends alpha and her heroines strong. Her plan? Bring bad boys to their knees one glance at a time. 

K. S. has been married to her husband, Daniel, for two years. Her other passion besides writing is the joy she gets from working with special needs children, a job she has enjoyed for over sixteen years. 

K.S. appreciates the support of her loving family and devoted friends who have been instrumental in making her lifeline dream of becoming an author come true.

Author Links

So this is a brand new author and its her debut book. I did NOT love it at all. But it did have some things I liked. For one the writing was pretty good. Its an erotic romance and its VERY hot. Lots of lusty scenes and thoughts and she did an amazing job with the scenes.

The book is a romance at work between head lawyer, Nicholas and his new intern, Amber. Nick in the past has been burned by another intern that worked for him, Lisa and so he is very hesitant to go after Amber until one day he comes upon a very sexy office scene.

Meanwhile, Lisa is still around and causing trouble and has some evil plans for Nick. Can Amber stop her plans and save the day and get him to fall in love with her despite his fears about an at work relationship?

So why did I not like this story? I felt there were some huge gaps that made no sense. First, Amber is an intern and a paralegal. Not a lawyer at all. The book talks about her future and the whole starting her own company as a paralegal made no sense at all.

Second, Nick has sex with other women in this story. I hate stories that have them have sex with other people. Even if I don't see it. It still makes me cringle. Also there is a plot point with Lisa and her evil plans and I felt that him jumping on Amber about it made no sense at all. As a lawyer he should have double checked everything and it made no sense that he didnt.

As a debut book this story was not bad but I did not love it at all. As an erotic romance it was decent but as a book with suspense I felt it was silly and unbelieveable.

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