Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Heroic Measures by Marie James


Opposites don’t just attract.

They captivate.

They entice.

They beckon.

As the medic for the Blackbridge Security team, he was just fine hanging out at the office in his spare time.

Jude Morris was…boring.

He didn’t need excitement.

He wasn’t a thrill-seeker.

Then he met a woman who was.

Parker Maxwell, the only woman able to captivate, entice, and beckon him, was his antithesis.

The up to his down.

The light to his dark.

The hot to his cold.

He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

She didn’t seem to notice him.

It’s going to take heroic measures for this guy to win the girl.

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Meet Marie James

Let's see...where to begin...

I'm inching up on the BIG 4-0. The gray hairs are doubling what seems like daily, and the wrinkles and laugh lines are more pronounced than ever.

I have an amazing husband (Married just over 15 years.)

We have two boys we're doing our best to raise as respectful gentleman.

I have a master's degree in criminal justice which I used to work as a juvenile probation office until deciding to write full-time in June of 2019. So that means there's usually always some criminal/law element to my novels.

If I'm not writing; I'm reading.

My favorite genres recently are bully/reverse harem and enemies to lovers. Maybe I'm reliving my traumatic teen years through the girls who actually end up with the boys. (Not that I would change my history since it's gotten me exactly where I need to be!)

I love coffee. I miss carbs. Music is LIFE. I try not to be too serious.

Connect with Marie James

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This is part of series that stands alone, and is #6, each book featured a couple and one person works at Blackridge Security. 

This book is different from the other books in that it starts in the middle of Calculated Risk #5, which is where Harper is introduced as she is best friends with Hayden and accompanies her to the women self defense classes which is taught by Quinton and the hero of this story, Jude. In that book Hayden is paired with Quinton and it looked like something was up with Harper and Jude. In this book we get to see everything that happened in that book and discover what was happening with them by getting in their heads.

This book is primarily Harper's story. She grew up with a mom who was a mistress to a rich guy and he was her dad. He deposits money to her every month so she works as a bartender but doesn't need the money.

Because of how this rich guy treated her mom and women, she hates men. And uses them just for sex. You could say she treats them how her father treated her mother. 

Jude is a really great guy. He falls hard for her and lusts after her but she only wants casual and while she doesn't hate Jude, she hates all men equally because of her father.

So Jude has a tough road to travel. To get her to open her heart, to trust him and to see that he is a guy with a really great heart who just wants her.

There are lots of hot scenes in this story. The story builds slowly and the real story in this book doesn't really start until about 70 percent in the story. But be warned there are more hot times than story in this book and they are burn your kindle HOT!

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