Tuesday, June 1, 2021

SOUTHERN HEAT by Natasha Madison


After being left for dead, I was given a fresh start by my knight in shining armor. 
My protector.
I never had a family before they took me in. 
But I don’t know how to stay or trust.
I always had a bag packed and ready just in case I needed to escape again. 
Like they say, old habits die hard.
Being in the shadows is lonely, but lonely is safe. 

I was the quiet one, the one who stood in the back and watched things unfold. The cowboy who only cared about his horses instead of the glory. 
Until I found her fighting for her life. Something inside me shifted, and I couldn’t stop it. 
I couldn’t stop protecting her. 
I fell in love with her with one look because she was my soul mate. 
Even though I knew I couldn't make her stay.

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Meet Natasha Madison 

When her nose isn't buried in a book, or her fingers flying across a keyboard writing, she's in the kitchen creating gourmet meals. You can find her, in four inch heels no less, in the car chauffeuring kids, or possibly with her husband scheduling his business trips. It's a good thing her characters do what she says, because even her Labrador doesn't listen to her...

Connect with Natasha Madison

Hosted By:

This is book 3 in the series about the children from the original Southern Series by this author. 

The original couples were:
  • Callie and Jacob
  • Casey and Olivia 
  • Savannah and Beau
This story is not really a stand alone. I would call it part 2 of the last book, Southern Heart which featured Chelsea, who was the daughter of Savannah and Beau. Her half brother is Ethan who is the son of Savannah. Ethan had a best friend named Mayson Carey and they served in the military together. Southern Heart paired Chelsea with Mayson. But Mayson had an enemy and that was his father, and that father tried to kill him and in the last book and took Chelsea and tried to use her to torture Mayson.

This story opens up where all the men and their grown up kids are trying to save Chelsea and includes what ends up happening to Mayson's evil father. As they save her they discover that their is a woman hidden inside the cabin and she is just barely alive.

Southern Heat is about the mystery woman. Who she is, how she came to be in the cabin, and what her part was in what happened to Mayson and Chelsea. In this book she is found by Quinn who is the son of Casey and Olivia.And from the minute he finds this woman barely alive, he fights for her life and it was a beautiful story to read. I even cried a few tears. 

It was a wonderful story but the mystery woman is in the hospital a long time and I would say 60% of the book is about her recovery and she is one tough cookie but also very innocent and fragile and so the relationship and romance between her and Quinn I wanted more off and it had more of a summary. I really wanted to experience it with the characters as we got lots of hot scenes and romance and the author just didn't have the time because the hospital took up the first part of the story.

Beyond that it was an absolutely awesome story. I loved the characters and I felt my heart break for the mystery girl  and everything she suffered and I loved how awesome Quinn was with her. But I do wish this book was longer and that it had more heat and more romance. 

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