Saturday, January 15, 2022



Anton Kingston
As one of Hollywood's biggest heartthrobs, Anton has everything he ever imagined. A career, fame, fortune; he is sought after worldwide, and at the height of his stardom. His personal life has also aligned and he finally has the things he’s wanted for a lifetime.

* Love
* Family

Elsa Fitzgerald
Raised in New York City’s high society, she has landed herself one of the Titans, and things couldn't be better. Elsa is one of the most successful real estate agents in the entire city, and has the devotion of one of Hollywood's leading men. All that’s missing is the two things she desires above all else.

* Marriage
* Children

Their love story is one for the ages, or so she thought. Just when it seems as if everything she's ever wanted is within reach, tragedy strikes and threatens to tear it all away. As their fairytale starts to unravel, choices have to be made. There are consequences when chasing perfection. Will they be able to live imperfectly ever after? Or will their choices destroy those dreams forever?

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Meet Anise Storm

Anise Storm is an author of Contemporary and Dark Romance.

A Southern transplant, Anise is married with children. She has a love of football, shoes, and tall, dark heroes. When not spending time with family or traveling, she can be found either curled up with a good book or writing.

Connect with Anise Storm here!

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This is book 2 in the series, and I did read the first book, but this book also easily stands alone. This is Anton and Elsa's story and its very different from the firs book. 

In this story we meet and get to know Anton, the movie star, and Elsa is his girlfriend at the start of this book. These two have been dating at the start of this story for two years and are very deeply in love.

But it has been a long-distance relationship since Anton is an actor and very high profile and in demand. As I read this book, I realized some of their issues were related to their relationship being a long-distance relationship. 

Both Anton and Elsa have to learn what a real relationship is. Not one they have seen in high society, or one acted in movies, but a real relationship means communication, not being perfect and exposing your imperfections to those that love you. And while no one is perfect, you can find that perfect love that loves every single imperfection that makes us who we are. 

It was a fascinating story and was written so well that I felt Anton and Elsa's deep love and connection, and my heart broke for both of them several times. This is an imperfect story about a deep love and an abiding love between two soul mates. 

Its definitely a journey for both characters and the author takes you along on the journey that both Anton and Elsa embark on in this story. Its a deep story with some pain but also a lot of love.

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