Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Reluctantly Romanced by Ruth Cardello


Dylan Sutton never wanted to be famous, but when his sister married a Barrington his whole life changed. He's in demand as an action hero but yearning for a simpler life. Being rich isn't nearly as fun as people make it out to be.

Aly is a gynecologist who is determined to modernize her field. She is single, serious, and not happy that the one man who revs her engines can't keep a straight face when referring to any part of the female reproductive system.

They have nothing in common.

He doesn't want to be judged.
She takes everything too seriously.

They are definitely not meant to be together. . .unless they are.

(Starring: Clay Landon as Fairy Godfather Extraordinaire)

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Meet Ruth Cardello

Ruth Cardello hit the New York Times and USA Today Bestsellers Lists for the first time back in 2012. 

Millions of sales are evidence that her books are akin to potato chips, addictive from the first one. She has created a multi-series billionaire world with a combination of escapism and realism that has gained her a faithful following of readers.

Ruth Cardello was born the youngest of 11 children in a small city in northern Rhode Island. She spent her young adult years moving as far away as she could from her large extended family. She lived in Boston, Paris, Orlando, New York--then came full circle and moved back to New England. She now happily lives one town over from the one she was born in. For her, family trumped the warmer weather and international scene. 

She was an educator for 20 years, the last 11 as a kindergarten teacher. When her school district began cutting jobs, Ruth turned a serious eye toward her second love- writing and has never been happier. 

When she's not writing, you can find her chasing her children around her small farm or connecting with her readers online.

Connect with Ruth Cardello

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I have been really looking forward to this book since I loved Dylan and Aly in the previous book. And it was just as wonderful as I thought it would be.  

Dylan is a hot movie star and Aly is the bestfriend to his brothers fiancee. This makes them thrown together a lot and he has always liked her but she is a famous gynocologist and he never even went to college. He thinks she is too smart for him.

Aly secretly thinks Dylan is hot but also he is this huge playboy who has zero interest in her. They spend time together in Iceland when they are invited to see him film his movie and visit Iceland. All their friends are coupled up so they end up spending time together and discover they both like each other.

I loved this books SO much. It had humor, romance, fun adventures, two characters that are secretly really into each other and who form a friendship that eventually leads them to romance. And also lots of Barrington's which was great to catch up with them again.

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