Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Crossing the Line - Whitecap Series #1 - By Jessica Prince


Some lines are meant to be crossed.

Trent Montgomery knew all about loyalty and responsibility. Tracking down his friend’s long-lost sister and making sure she was safe was just another job, a favor from someone he cared about. He wasn’t supposed to get attached. But when he started to fall for the woman who had been hiding from the world, things got a lot more complicated than he ever expected.

Cheyanne Knightly knew all about living in fear. The life she’d made for her and her daughter was as stable as a house of cards. One stiff breeze could send her whole world crumbling. But when a new guy blew into her small town, stirring up Whitecap’s rumor mill, she found herself drawn to him in a way she never expected.

Lies were told. Secrets were uncovered. Lines were crossed. When the truth finally came out, Trent had to find a way to protect the woman who stole his heart while he tried to earn her trust back.

 **The Whitecap series is a brand new series of interconnected, standalone, small town romances.**


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“Monica said the dude was ogling you like you were a three-course meal and he hadn’t eaten in a month.”

“Like I said, she exaggerated.”


Nope, I silently screamed to myself. I wasn’t going to start questioning it because it didn’t matter. Not at all.

She looked at me, her expression pinched with skepticism. “Was she also exaggerating when she said she thought you’d stroked out for a minute and lost the power of speech when he came up and introduced himself to you?”

I snorted and took a gulp of my margarita, smiling as I admitted, “No, she might have been spot-on with that one.”

Luna’s head fell back on a laugh. “At least you’re willing to own it.”

“It’s not my fault! There isn’t a woman on the planet who could help it,” I exclaimed. “I mean, the dude had dimples, for Christ’s sake. Dimples.”

Born and raised around Houston Texas, Jessica spent most of her life complaining about the heat, humidity, and all around pain in the ass weather. It was only as an adult that she quickly realized the cost of living in Houston made up for not being able to breathe when she stepped outside. That’s why God created central air, after all.

Jessica is the mother of a perfect little boy–she refuses to accept that he inherited her attitude and sarcastic nature no matter what her husband says.

In addition to being a wife and mom, she’s also a wino, a coffee addict, and an avid lover of all types of books–romances still being her all time favs. Her husband likes to claim that reading is her obsession but she just says it’s a passion…there’s a difference. Not that she’d expect a boy to understand.

Jessica has been writing since she was a little girl, but thankfully grew out of drawing her own pictures for her stories before ever publishing her first book. Because an artist she is not.

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This is a new series by the author because it takes place in Whitecap, Oregon but its a continuation of the authors Hope Valley series and is really part 2 of Playing for Keeps which starred Charlotte Belmont and Dalton Prescott. 

In Playing for Keeps we met Charlie and we found out she had a missing twin sister who had run away from her then husband, a politician with lots of power. Dalton and Charlie asked their friend Trent to help them find Charlie's sister,  and thats what brings Trent to Whitecap and is why this book is the first book in a new series.

In this book we get to know Sawyer and her adorable daughter and her friends in this very small town. It was a really wonderful story and I loved watching Trent fall hard for Sawyer and her daughter. Trent has secrets but so does Sawyer and I adored how Sawyer found out his secrets. 

This was an awesome story about finding love even when you have some big secrets. Its also about families, friendship, love and finding your place in the world. There is also a slight story about domestic abuse in this story but its more after the fact than it actually happens in this story. 

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