Thursday, September 16, 2021

THE LIE by Karla Sorensen


Rule number 1 for the team owner’s daughter? Don’t date the players.
Especially not hotheaded tight ends with tattoos and impulse control problems. 
That's why Dominic Walker is completely off my radar. Sort of.
Babysitting the team troublemaker when he's forced to volunteer for the foundation where I work means I can't exactly avoid him.
I wish I had though. Because once I get to know Dominic, it's almost impossible to ignore the feelings he brings out in me. 
Pretty soon, I'm breaking all my rules. I just have to hope he doesn't break my heart in the process.  

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Meet Karla Sorensen

Well, let’s see ... I’m a wife and a mother. If the things that I write bring a smile to someone's face, then I've done my job.  

I am obsessed with Outlander (both the books and the show). I’m almost exclusively a romance reader, which means some people will never consider me a literary snob. 

If I could meet one historical figure, it would be Jane Austen. I received my Bachelors in Public Relations and worked in health care marketing before I had my babies. 

I hate Twitter. I do it, but I hate it. Also, if you want to get on my good side, bring me wine and I'll love you forever. 

Connect with Karla Sorensen

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This story is about Logan's daughter Faith . In the Bombshell Effect, Allie who married him and helped raise Faith and the also had a second daughter named Lydia. If you need a refresher Allie owns a football team and she also runs an organization that uses sports stars to help the disadvantaged youth. She hires Faith to run that group. And when Allie gets a problem football player, she assigns him to work with Faith.

Dominic and Faith do NOT hit it off at first that is until he discovers something that connects them but is also a secret they both share. It made this story awesome and I am not spoiling that.

One of the driving factors in Dom's life is that he lost a 16 year old sister to Cancer. It has caused a lot of anger and he has used that anger in football. But with him joining Allie's team, she wants good players who get along and not fighters. So she thinks Faith can help her find the good in Dominic.

This is a feel good book. It deals with some serious issues but its not in a painful way but rather in a way of remembering someone who had such an impact on their life. In this story Dominic finds that and it took this story from wonderful to awesome.

When each person discovers the others big secret, they deal with it in very different ways and I really enjoyed seeing this play out. I also loved that Dominic was really open and learned from his mistakes and the effort he goes to win Faith's heart was just awesome.

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