Saturday, May 1, 2021

Meet the Vegas Kings! Jack by Mckenna James

Meet the Vegas Kings!
Jack by Mckenna James is LIVE!
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Jack Stapleton and his friends rule Las Vegas. They’ve got more money than they know what to do with, and Jack can have any woman he wants­­­­—except Ellie.


Rejection. That’s what I get for trying to save a girl who obviously doesn’t want saving.

Paying off her father’s debt so she can stop taking off her clothes for other people? That was a no brainer. Obviously, I hoped she’d fall victim to my irresistible charm. My selflessness.

But no.

I’ve offended her independent spirit, and instead of falling for me, she’s doing everything she can to avoid me. I should forget all about Ellie Masters, but I’m a sucker for her sassy smile and that fiery, luscious mouth.

I’m more than willing to take a gamble on this girl, but she’s made it clear I’m going to need more than luck to win her heart.


My momma raised me to believe that I don’t need a man. Except, apparently, I do.

And now that I owe a debt to a billionaire, I feel sick to my stomach.

It’s not like I’ll ever be able to pay him back.

The man is richer than God, and hotter than the Devil. When he’s next to me, I just about melt.

The last thing I want is to fall for a man like that.

The problem is, I think I already have…


“Wait, please!” a feminine voice calls out as the doors begin to close.

 I put my hand out, triggering the sensor, and they burst open to reveal a woman standing there. She isn’t just any woman, though. With long dark hair that hangs loosely around her shoulders and impossibly long legs that spill out from beneath the short white jacket she’s wearing, she’s quite possibly the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen. Her icy blue eyes flicker up and meet mine as she steps into the elevator.

“Thanks,” she murmurs, giving me a tight smile.

“What floor?” I ask.

“Top,” she replies, avoiding any further eye contact.

Amused, I press the button for the top floor again. That can only mean one thing—Ace ignored Asher’s request about the strippers. No doubt he’ll try to pin it on me.

    “Fuck. I can't do this.”

    I glance at the woman in surprise. I’m no expert when it comes to female emotions and shit, but she looks like she’s about to either burst into tears or start punching the elevator wall. Either way, something is obviously bothering her.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

Her head snaps up, and she looks at me like she forgot I was there. A faint glow of pink spreads across her cheeks as she quickly nods, then shakes her head.

“This is so not me,” she mutters, releasing a harsh laugh. “I tried, but I can’t do it.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” I offer. “I can be a pretty good listener.”

That part is a lie. Piper’s always telling me I can’t listen for shit, but honestly, I’m not sure what else to say to this girl.

“What the hell is talking going to do?” she snaps. “I’m sorry, I just…” She sighs. “No. There’s no way I’ll be able to go through with this.”

“Then don’t.”

If she is part of the entertainment that Ace hired—though she really doesn’t strike me as the type—I’m worried someone is making her do something she doesn’t want to do.

“It’s not that simple.”  She mumbles so softly that I’m pretty sure she didn’t mean for me to hear it.  “I need the money.”

“There are other ways to make money.”

“Only a rich person would say that with such ignorance,” she replies, her lips twitching.


But at least I got her to almost smile.

About the Author:

Mckenna James is the pen name for a collaborative writing duo who share an addiction to sweet tea and a love for wealthy, attractive men.

Since they don't know enough devastatingly handsome men with boatloads of cash to spare, they decided to create some. They specialize in fairytales for today's world featuring modern princes and heroines who speak their minds and carve out happily ever afters on their own terms.

Connect with McKenna James!

 So I have never read this author before but it sounded like a very romantic story and so I couldn't wait to check it out. This is a brand new series by the author and I loved this book so much that I cannot wait for the next one. Its very much an insta lust romance but also has an at work romance angle and also a very light mafia storyline.

First about this series, it feraures what is known as the Kings of Las Vegas. Its about 4 friends who play poker in Vegas and two own their own hotel and the other two, play high stakes poker. This is Jack's story, he is a very wealthy man who runs a major Vegas hotel and he also loves to play poker. One of his best friends is getting married and he is tasked with a bachelor party.

We also meet  Ellie and her mom. Her father has just died and he was a heavy gambler and he owes some big shots in Vegas a lot of money and the two women fear for their lives if they cannot get the money. The desperation that Ellie and her  mom feel is what introduces Jack to Ellie and once he meets her, he falls very hard.

This book featured awesome characters and a really fun and hot relationship between Jack and Ellie. I loved how strong and independent Ellie was and she really wants to save herself instead of being handed money she does not earn.

Jack was such a romantic. I loved how he chases Ellie to try and convince her to give him a chance with her. This book is not super realistic but I absolutely loved all the characters and this plot. 

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