Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Crashed by Elise Faber

Crashed by Elise Faber is now live!

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Once upon a time she’d had the happy ending.

The doting fiancรฉ.
The expensive wedding.
The happily-ever-after resting just at the tips of her fingers.

Then in an explosion of glass, in a splintering of metal, everything had been taken from her.

She’d shattered herself, had broken into a million tiny pieces.

But eventually, she’d patched herself together, had hauled herself back into life, had built something she was content in.

Content, but not happy. Never quite inching into happy again.

Still, she had her friends, her job as a skating coach for the Gold, and she had her life. That was enough.

And it had been enough.

Until he knocked on her door.

Until he came back and changed everything.

About the Author:

USA Today bestselling author, Elise Faber, loves chocolate, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and hockey (the order depending on the day and how well her team—the Sharks!—are playing). 

She and her husband also play as much hockey as they can squeeze into their schedules, so much so that their typical date night is spent on the ice. Elise changes her hair color more often than some people change their socks, loves sparkly things, and is the mom to two exuberant boys.

She lives in Northern California. Connect with her in her Facebook group, the Fabinators or email her at elisefaberauthor@gmail.com.
Connect with Elise!

 This is part of the Gold Hockey series and the 12th book in the series. It also easily stands alone. It features an all star cast from previous book and introduces some new characters as well. In this story we get to know Fanny and we meet Brandon who is her ex sorta.

I enjoy this hockey series and have read some of the ones in the series that intrigue me. I have not read every single book but a majority. They are a different kind of hockey series, usually the author uses her characters to deal important issues and this book deals with Cancer. 

It is not a light reading story. It is very heavy, probably the most intense story I have read by this author ever. I cried in many different spots and my heart truly broke for Fanny and while I hated her pain, I also was in awe of her character. She was one tough cookie and I admired how she got on with her life after what life and Brandon did for her. I have never read another character like her before and for me she made this book. It was a really hard book to read but if you want a tear jerker well this is the book for you.

This was a fast book to read. The author has a great writing style that I really enjoy. She also creates these awesome characters and I adored Fanny. But my heart also broke for her. I am not sure I  could have survived what she did. And then when Brandon re-enters her life, well I would have fought him just as hard as she did and I admired how hard she fought against her feelings for him.

My real issue with this book was Brandon. On one side he has had a very hard life. Cancer twice in his life is a really rough road. And well he made it to the other side. But what he did to Fanny, was awful and on one hand we love who we love but he utterly broke her heart and in this story he works very hard to get her to give him a second chance. I loved that she didn't make it easy on him and even dated others and really made him work for her heart.

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